May 22, 2024
How to create recurring income in your business?
Have you ever felt that nagging sense of uncertainty about your ability to consistently cover monthly expenses, even as your business grows? What if you could build recurring income streams aligned with your values while avoiding burnout?
Download: 10 Must-have Money Mindset Shifts To grow your income in Automatic Pilot.
Getting clear on your motivations beyond money is key. While high revenue months may be attainable, the stability and safety provided by consistent income allows for sustainability. As shared in this conversation, recurring revenue provides a foundation. It enables focusing on transformation for clients rather than chasing dollars.
From this discussion, gain:
"If you walk in integrity, the rest of your business plan, it will unfold. It will just reveal itself, unravel."
As you listen, notice what resonates. Are aspects of your approach misaligned with who you are or what you can guarantee to deliver? What shifts could create sustainability?
The path forward awaits. Now is the time to grow recurring income streams attuned to you.
[00:00:00 - 00:00:43]
We are here today with one of my long time business partner, like
mentor, like everything on this business that you are seeing here
and we are going to talk about something very important for this
stage of your financial freedom path, which is how the heck would
you convert something that it's fun, it's okay. Generating to
actually generate consistent income and the importance of it in
your business. And I'm joining today in this episode with Nora Noel
Brown and she's an amazing mastermind, mentor, business coach.
[00:00:43 - 00:00:46]
But please, Nora, introduce yourself.
[00:00:47 - 00:01:01]
So I am Nora. I am so happy to hear it. If you hear me huffing and
puffing, my nose is completely clogged. It's that season, so we're
just going to push through. I opened my nasal, but I can hear when
I'm talking that I still.
[00:01:01 - 00:01:03]
Have a bit of a nasal sound.
[00:01:03 - 00:01:37]
We just got to do it. So. Hi, I am Nora. I am a business coach for
coaches for the past. I don't even want to say it out loud. Twelve
years. I feel like such a dinosaur. Well, I am a dinosaur. I'm
turning 40 next week. I'm sure I'm going to piss off some people
right now by saying that, but I feel like a dinosaur, like turning
40 because I feel like I'm still stuck in my twenties somewhere in
my mind. So it's very hard to accept that reality. That being said,
business coaches for coaches.
[00:01:37 - 00:01:40]
And I think my main focus, because.
[00:01:40 - 00:01:54]
I think this is where the industry kind of ruins it for everyone,
is to simplify the entire process of recurring income, but also
simplify the process of.
[00:01:54 - 00:01:58]
Signing clients using buyer psychology.
[00:01:58 - 00:02:05]
So we're not just going to throw spaghetti at the wall. If you
understand how the other person, how your future client is actually
[00:02:05 - 00:02:07]
Then you also know what actions you.
[00:02:07 - 00:02:11]
Need to put in place because there's no need. You're working 40
hours per week.
[00:02:11 - 00:02:14]
And I think this is amazing because.
[00:02:14 - 00:02:15]
I have so many clients who ditched.
[00:02:15 - 00:02:18]
Their nine to five and now they're.
[00:02:18 - 00:02:28]
Working around the clock. Like, no, no, no, that's not happening.
You don't need to do that. Like, you want time freedom and
financial freedom. So cool if you have the financial, but financial
freedom without time freedom is.
[00:02:28 - 00:02:31]
Just, there's no point, right?
[00:02:31 - 00:02:33]
So, like, they have to go hand in hand.
[00:02:33 - 00:02:35]
Like, you want to spend the money.
[00:02:35 - 00:02:38]
I assume maybe you want to stack it, that's fine.
[00:02:38 - 00:02:39]
Like, keep going.
[00:02:40 - 00:02:43]
Like you're on the right path, but I assume that you want to
[00:02:43 - 00:02:45]
The time freedom too, right?
[00:02:45 - 00:02:48]
To actually spend the money that you're earning that is living the
life when.
[00:02:48 - 00:02:52]
We'Re only here once. Well, at least for what we know.
[00:02:52 - 00:03:09]
From now, maybe we are reincarnated. But, I mean, let's assume
we're not, that we're only here once. What is a fact is that we are
once in this capacity here. So doing what we're doing, so we need
to make the most out of it. So that is kind of my thing, and I'm
big on simplification. Well, you know that.
[00:03:09 - 00:03:09]
[00:03:10 - 00:03:12]
Because I think that comes from me.
[00:03:12 - 00:03:15]
Being the laziest person you can possibly meet.
[00:03:15 - 00:03:19]
I'm so lazy. I'm so lazy. So since I was a kid.
[00:03:20 - 00:03:28]
So if there's a shortcut, I'm taking the shortcut. Like I'm that
person. If we had, like, a running exercise.
[00:03:28 - 00:03:35]
In gym class, I would see where I could cut some corners. Like, if
there's a shortcut, well, as you can see by my pc.
[00:03:35 - 00:03:40]
But if there's a shortcut, I will find it.
[00:03:40 - 00:03:46]
I just want to have the. Because they always say, like, building a
business is, like, this entire row. Like, entangled.
[00:03:46 - 00:03:49]
Like, they make these beautiful graphics, and.
[00:03:49 - 00:03:53]
I refuse to accept that. I refuse to accept that there needs to be
a shorter line.
[00:03:53 - 00:03:55]
If there's a shorter line, I will find it.
[00:03:55 - 00:04:02]
And that is kind of my goal, to find that shorter line with my
clients, too. Right. So that you don't need to go, like, all
zigzag, like, the stupidity.
[00:04:02 - 00:04:04]
It's not needed.
[00:04:04 - 00:04:05]
[00:04:05 - 00:05:41]
And spoil alert. Nora is the one that inside of money made easy,
and probably inside of any program that I'm gonna do from. From now
until forever that is going to be leading the biopsychology model,
because it is a game changer for everything. Like, biopsychology
sounds sexy. And you actually are building a business, and you are
not just throwing spaghetti on the wall or you are not just putting
out there what you think it is. I'm going to stick, which I
explained to you, all of these inside of money unleash. So if you
have not get your hands on money unleashed, go to the mu and you can have it there. Because
literally, I walk you through the stages. And in that first stage,
biopsychology is. It's kind of everything. Like, when we started to
implement that. I don't even remember how long. Like three years
ago now, forever, whatever. Like, when we started, when Nora and I
started to work together, we sat down, and the first six months of
working together was like, how is this connecting to the buyer?
Like, it's not only about what I. What the keywords that you need
to say, because there are some keywords that you need to say, but
it's. It's really what is inside, because the more that you know
what is inside.
[00:05:41 - 00:05:45]
Of this, the simpler it gets to.
[00:05:45 - 00:06:04]
Be for your client. Like, the fact that you have so many layers
reflects that. You don't know deep down what it's happening. Like,
you have a skip, so many steps. The steps that I'm talking about in
money unleashed, and then that comes back and fires.
[00:06:04 - 00:06:04]
[00:06:05 - 00:06:11]
Like, okay, I see. So it connects everything, and it connects with
their income as well, right?
[00:06:11 - 00:06:13]
Yes, yes.
[00:06:13 - 00:06:19]
And I. Absolutely. That is the entire thing. Right. And I think
because especially now in.
[00:06:19 - 00:06:32]
The online game, most coaches and most business coaches in
specific, they make it sound so freaking hard to build a
[00:06:32 - 00:06:32]
[00:06:32 - 00:06:45]
And here's the thing. I'm not gonna say that you, like, every day
you wake up and it's unicorns and sunshine. It's not right, because
you still have that thing that is called mindset that constantly
tries to focus over. So you're constantly battling yourself.
[00:06:45 - 00:06:48]
And I think that is the hardest part of business.
[00:06:48 - 00:06:57]
But when it actually comes to. To building a business, signing
clients, it is so straightforward. It is so simple. You don't need
all the bells and whistles.
[00:06:57 - 00:07:00]
You just need to know what puns you want to put in place.
[00:07:00 - 00:07:01]
Here's the thing.
[00:07:01 - 00:07:04]
So, normally, I say, like, your offers.
[00:07:04 - 00:07:11]
The offers that you have, but also the content that you put out
there, it just literally needs to carry the conversation for you.
So, you know me.
[00:07:11 - 00:07:12]
I don't DM.
[00:07:12 - 00:07:13]
Like, period.
[00:07:13 - 00:07:16]
I don't DM. So I had to find a way.
[00:07:17 - 00:07:22]
Like, to attract people to me that people actually, who show up in
my DM just say, hey, Nora, you know what? Ready?
[00:07:22 - 00:07:23]
Let's start.
[00:07:23 - 00:07:24]
When are we beginning? Right?
[00:07:24 - 00:07:26]
So, if I want to have that.
[00:07:26 - 00:07:32]
Effect, then I also know that everything that I put out there,
whether that is my free content on Instagram, for.
[00:07:32 - 00:07:36]
Example, or my offers or my website.
[00:07:36 - 00:07:39]
Or, like, any other platform that I am on, like Pinterest, for
[00:07:39 - 00:07:45]
So I know, like, that part needs to carry the conversation for me,
[00:07:45 - 00:08:05]
A point that people say, okay, you know what? You got me curious.
You got me excited. You got me committed, and now I just want to
have it work. So, like. But you can do that through your offer
suite, and that doesn't mean you need to have funnels of six pages
or 20,000 offers. I literally have three offers in place.
[00:08:05 - 00:08:07]
Three, which is all.
[00:08:07 - 00:08:16]
And it's never more and it's never more. But people who start at
the first one, they will automatically upgrade to the second one.
And well, not all of them, but most of them, it's converting,
[00:08:16 - 00:08:24]
And from there they will go to the main program where they learn
like the real deal, right? But it's, and that doesn't mean,
[00:08:24 - 00:08:34]
Because here's another thing, because I constantly keep saying
there's another thing, I think there's so much information out
there that is simply not true and not necessarily not true.
[00:08:34 - 00:08:35]
It's incomplete.
[00:08:36 - 00:08:38]
And I've been working with a client.
[00:08:38 - 00:08:43]
Now for the past month and I think she is an amazing example.
[00:08:43 - 00:08:50]
Two clients actually, that I've been working. So one of them, both
of them.
[00:08:50 - 00:08:57]
Have an audience above one hundred k and one person actually has an
email list of 40k.
[00:08:58 - 00:09:01]
But you can't convert, right?
[00:09:01 - 00:09:15]
Because it's not built based on biopsychology. You know how easy it
is to grow an email list with people with free stuff? It's easy,
but it's just like followers.
[00:09:15 - 00:09:19]
If you have vanity followers that are just following you for the
sake of.
[00:09:19 - 00:09:25]
Following you and not because they want to invest in you, what's
the point?
[00:09:25 - 00:09:32]
It's not going to pay your bills, right? So you need to be more
strategic about that. So the first one is how to get curious. And I
feel, especially in the entrepreneur.
[00:09:32 - 00:09:35]
And the coaching space, like who do.
[00:09:35 - 00:09:36]
You want to attract?
[00:09:36 - 00:09:39]
I think that is the first question that you need to ask
[00:09:40 - 00:09:53]
Who do you want to attract? Do you want to attract that person that
is willing to go all in, bet on themselves and get into that high
ticket space feeling comfortable about also paying those high
ticket prices?
[00:09:53 - 00:09:55]
Because I mean, if you, you will.
[00:09:55 - 00:10:02]
Not transform your life with freebies. It's just, it's not gonna
happen. I'm gonna burst that bubble. It's not gonna happen.
[00:10:02 - 00:10:09]
Freebies have just one point is freebies are clickbait, nothing
more, nothing less.
[00:10:09 - 00:10:24]
They just want your email. They don't want to transform your life.
Freebies are clickbait, as simple as that. They just want something
from you. Sometimes you get like a small aha moment. But is that
going to revolutionize your business? Of course not. If it was that
easy, everyone would succeed, right? It's simply not that easy.
[00:10:25 - 00:10:26]
So ditch the freebies.
[00:10:26 - 00:10:35]
Ditch the freebies because you want to attract people who are
willing to start growing and to start betting on themselves.
[00:10:35 - 00:10:38]
And start investing in that growth which.
[00:10:38 - 00:10:46]
Your offer suite can actually support. You can have like a low
ticket for $47, for example, then maybe a medium ticket of $300,
and then your.
[00:10:46 - 00:10:57]
High ticket of one k up, right? So in my case, I have one offer of
97, and then the high ticket, which is, well, it's in three.
[00:10:57 - 00:11:00]
Tiers, it goes two k up. You don't need freebies. So what you're
going to attract with.
[00:11:00 - 00:11:05]
Freebies are people who want to absorb.
[00:11:05 - 00:11:08]
Some information, but are they very committed to their growth?
[00:11:08 - 00:11:10]
No, they're simply not.
[00:11:12 - 00:11:14]
They just want to see, like, okay.
[00:11:14 - 00:11:17]
Like they're looking for that magic pill.
[00:11:17 - 00:11:22]
That is kind of the problem with freebie collectors. They're
somehow looking for that magic pill.
[00:11:22 - 00:11:27]
Something that they can copy paste and somehow monetize themselves.
They're looking for inspiration.
[00:11:27 - 00:11:31]
They're looking for copy. They don't know.
[00:11:31 - 00:11:33]
And here's the thing, because the people.
[00:11:33 - 00:11:39]
That collect freebies, they have not found their own voice yet.
They're somehow trying to find their own.
[00:11:39 - 00:11:42]
Voice, their own uniqueness, their own magic pill.
[00:11:44 - 00:11:50]
You will not find it in freebies. So what you attract with freebies
are people who are not willing to invest in themselves.
[00:11:50 - 00:11:51]
They're not.
[00:11:51 - 00:11:55]
They are not there yet because they don't believe that they can
actually make.
[00:11:55 - 00:11:59]
It happen for themselves. And that is the biggest problem.
[00:11:59 - 00:12:03]
This is biopsychology, because people think like, oh, there's
something wrong with me, there's.
[00:12:03 - 00:12:05]
Something wrong with my offer, etc.
[00:12:05 - 00:12:12]
Etcetera. Well, all of that may be partly true. There might be
some, a bit of truth in all of those things. The main problem that
you need to.
[00:12:12 - 00:12:19]
Overcome is guiding your next client from.
[00:12:19 - 00:12:24]
Not believing in herself to actually believing that she can pull it
[00:12:24 - 00:12:33]
Because most people don't hire a coach or invest in a high ticket
offer. It has nothing to do with you. It has all to do with
[00:12:33 - 00:12:35]
Because they don't believe that they can.
[00:12:35 - 00:12:46]
Actually pull it off, not even with your guidance. So you need to.
And the people that you attract with.
[00:12:46 - 00:12:52]
Freebies, they are so low on their, I call it business self esteem
[00:12:52 - 00:12:59]
Growth self esteem, because they are still in so low when it comes
[00:12:59 - 00:13:05]
Believing they can actually pull it off. That is one type. The
other type is the type that.
[00:13:05 - 00:13:08]
Feels like I can do this all on my own.
[00:13:08 - 00:13:31]
I don't need any help. Like, they have such a big, arrogant ego.
You cannot do it on your own. Like, I'm here, I'm making six
figures every month, and I'm here to tell you, because that was not
always the case. I grew to that number. You cannot do it on your
own. There's no freaking way. There's no freaking way. You need
help, you need guidance, you need someone who's constantly
challenging your perspective. But these are the two types of people
that you attract with freebie.
[00:13:31 - 00:13:33]
So why would you even want to.
[00:13:33 - 00:13:48]
Have a freebie out there? Because you're so focused on vanity
metrics. Because that somehow keeps you going. A vanity number
keeps you going. The amount of people on your email list, the
amount of people on your social media, but they're not paying your
bills. So what's the freaking point? So then you start feeling
depressed and.
[00:13:48 - 00:13:50]
Burned out because, well, there's bills to pay.
[00:13:51 - 00:13:53]
Like, how am I going to pay that, right?
[00:13:53 - 00:13:57]
And then all that glory, like disappears, right?
[00:13:57 - 00:14:05]
So that is not sustainable. That is not how you build a business.
And so digital freebie are going to, unless people going to be
attracted to you.
[00:14:05 - 00:14:09]
Oh, for a fact. With the people that you are attracting.
[00:14:09 - 00:14:13]
Or the people that are willing to bet on themselves and to grow
with you, right?
[00:14:13 - 00:14:15]
So you have to choose and even.
[00:14:15 - 00:14:16]
And that can be like an offer.
[00:14:17 - 00:14:21]
As little as $1. It doesn't have to be a $100 thing.
[00:14:21 - 00:14:37]
I want to dive in into different concepts that we just talked
about, looking also from the perspective from the clients that I
work with and bringing you this perspective, you as a listener.
[00:14:37 - 00:14:40]
So to get to the point, to.
[00:14:40 - 00:14:57]
Understand what the freebie function from the business owner
perspective, not from like, I want you to jump out of the buyer
perspective. You are not buying this. You are creating this.
[00:14:57 - 00:14:58]
[00:14:58 - 00:15:38]
To get to the point, to understand the objective of this freebie,
which is a lead magnet. It's that lead magnet. So when you
understand that a lead magnet has a purpose and it's not the end on
itself, then your things inside of your mind start to change. What
happens is that you most likely won't see that until you resolve
whatever comes in between, which is what I give you all the time.
All this trauma, all this mindset perspective.
[00:15:38 - 00:15:43]
Because we are used to thinking that.
[00:15:43 - 00:16:40]
Free means free value and that we are going to get far away with it
as a buyer, right? Like it's funny here in, in Holland that the
only word that kept after the Spanish left is like, yeah, it's
free. It's everywhere, right? Like there is something about the
word free about this concept that as a buyer attracts you. It
doesn't mean that you're gonna do anything with it. It doesn't mean
that you are going to actually take action on it. Like in the past
two weeks, only I have seen so many freebies go around and I'm
like, oh, this could be interesting. And then I don't learn, then I
don't look at it again because I don't have the time because it
[00:16:40 - 00:16:42]
Not the mo, it's just like, it.
[00:16:42 - 00:17:03]
Really puts a point to analyse for your mind to make that analysis
of, okay, what is the point of what I'm doing? And that's how you
start to simplify the process and that's how you start to create
that consistent income just with that little change.
[00:17:03 - 00:17:06]
And of course, if you can make.
[00:17:06 - 00:18:12]
That little change valuable, it's because all of the unresolved
stuff that we work at, the money mindset hub, but value of action
represents so much for your business. And again, look, I
personally, I develop the freebies, and most of them are quizzes or
checklists to download because, yeah, that's my way of doing. I
personally create a lead magnet that will bring you the awareness
that you need to take the next step. That's my whole objective with
the freebie, I invest little time as possible with the most value
that I can get you to get to become aware of something. Because if
you are not aware of that thing, you are not going to receive the
message that I'm going to deliver to you. Like, it is kind of like,
for me, it's kind of like introducing, like.
[00:18:12 - 00:18:15]
If you, I don't know, see me.
[00:18:15 - 00:18:29]
On a cafe and I want you to have a deep conversation with you. I
will tell you, wait, but are you aware of these points first? Like,
can we have a conversation? That's what I'm doing with a
[00:18:29 - 00:18:34]
But there is an older objective.
[00:18:34 - 00:18:42]
It's not the end of it. It's not like I want to grow my email list
or I want to have 200,000 followers.
[00:18:43 - 00:18:44]
Everybody knows that.
[00:18:44 - 00:18:45]
I don't.
[00:18:45 - 00:19:05]
It's just like, it's different perspectives and it's the
perspective that is going to help you to build up to that
consistent income. So I want to dive in into how that process of
simplifying and creating that income will look like for you.
[00:19:06 - 00:19:10]
Okay, so first of all, I want you to mute your ears and
[00:19:10 - 00:19:13]
Everything you read on the Internet or.
[00:19:14 - 00:19:16]
Here on social media. I want you to start with a.
[00:19:16 - 00:19:23]
Clear mind, open minded, and just. I think most people, they
already fail.
[00:19:23 - 00:19:25]
Because they, they don't answer the first question.
[00:19:26 - 00:19:32]
And the very first question is, what do you want? What do you
[00:19:33 - 00:19:33]
[00:19:33 - 00:19:39]
Because if I ask this question to my clients, no one answers me
that they will say, oh, I want money. No, what do you really
[00:19:40 - 00:19:43]
Because here's the thing, if you want.
[00:19:43 - 00:19:58]
I see. This is what I see most coaches doing. They're flaunting
like, oh, I made another 50k this week and like, I started January
with 40k in just ten days and blah, blah, blah. Good for you. It's
really not that hard, honestly, like, but good for you.
[00:19:58 - 00:20:08]
But what you do is you're attracting people that are focused on
that money outcome, and that is the wrong way to start.
[00:20:08 - 00:20:12]
Will it be realistic for you to have that money after one, two
[00:20:12 - 00:20:13]
[00:20:13 - 00:20:15]
Depends a bit on the niche and how you go for it. Right?
[00:20:15 - 00:20:17]
Like, but is it attainable?
[00:20:17 - 00:20:18]
[00:20:19 - 00:20:20]
Will you realize it?
[00:20:20 - 00:20:31]
Mostly not, because for most people it takes way longer than one
year. For most people, it takes like around three, four, five years
before they reach that level of income. But is it doable? Sure.
[00:20:32 - 00:20:33]
But the problem is that most people.
[00:20:33 - 00:20:41]
Are attracted, like, oh, I want to become a coach because, well, I
want to have that 40k in the first ten days too. Right? But is that
what you want?
[00:20:41 - 00:20:42]
Is that what you want?
[00:20:42 - 00:20:46]
Because if you really dive deep into.
[00:20:46 - 00:20:47]
It, that's not what you want.
[00:20:48 - 00:20:51]
Why do you want that money so bad in the first four days, ten
[00:20:51 - 00:20:58]
It's because you don't want to have Bill stress. You don't want to
have the worries to pay your bill. Right?
[00:20:58 - 00:21:17]
That is the main thing. You just want to live life. You want to go
to the supermarket without going to the promotion section. You want
to go to the stores that you actually want to go to to buy your
clothes, you want to travel, maybe, or you want to buy more things
for your kid, or you want to support more shelters, giving you
ideas what to do with your money.
[00:21:17 - 00:21:18]
Always donate to shelters.
[00:21:19 - 00:21:24]
No, but like, what is it that you really, really want? Why do you
want that high income month so badly?
[00:21:24 - 00:21:25]
[00:21:26 - 00:21:30]
Because if you answered that question, you know that what you
really want and.
[00:21:30 - 00:21:42]
What you're really looking for, and everyone is looking for this
because it's, it's just human behavior. You want stability. You
want stability, you want safety, right?
[00:21:42 - 00:21:46]
So that is what you want. So do you want the 40k in the first.
[00:21:46 - 00:21:47]
[00:21:47 - 00:21:52]
Here's the thing. If I let you choose today and I say, okay, what
do you want?
[00:21:52 - 00:21:56]
I can guarantee that you have 40k in the first two weeks of
[00:21:57 - 00:22:02]
I can guarantee you that. Or I guarantee you that I teach.
[00:22:02 - 00:22:04]
You a system that you have recurring.
[00:22:04 - 00:22:09]
Five or ten k months forever. Do you still want that one time.
[00:22:09 - 00:22:11]
40K in those first ten days?
[00:22:11 - 00:22:12]
Of course not.
[00:22:12 - 00:22:14]
It's not stability. It's not safe.
[00:22:15 - 00:22:17]
And the people who actually dive into.
[00:22:17 - 00:22:22]
That are the people that go bankrupt within a very short time
because their.
[00:22:22 - 00:22:30]
Money mindset is not. It's like winning the lottery, and then a
year later, you hear that they filed for bankruptcy. You can have
all the money in the world.
[00:22:30 - 00:22:34]
If you do not focus on how.
[00:22:34 - 00:22:35]
To level up your money mindset to.
[00:22:35 - 00:22:39]
Actually manage that kind of money, you will.
[00:22:39 - 00:23:06]
It will disappear as fast as you get it right. That is why money.
Working on your money mindset is something you need to keep doing
consistently. I would say daily, but let's say weekly at least. But
it's like, it's an ongoing process, and it doesn't matter where you
are in business, you can never get rid of that part. Like, you are
constantly, constantly leveling up your. Your. Your money mindset.
You're constantly identifying, okay, but where's this behavior
coming from? Why do I feel icky?
[00:23:06 - 00:23:07]
Because I just worked.
[00:23:07 - 00:23:11]
You know that I work 20 hours per week, and sometimes I feel like
[00:23:12 - 00:23:17]
Like this is too easy. Like, I feel like I'm robbing. I feel like
this is not okay.
[00:23:17 - 00:23:24]
I feel almost like a scam, and I know I'm not right, but. Okay, but
where's this coming from? Where is this coming from? Why can it not
be easy for me? Right.
[00:23:24 - 00:23:27]
So, constantly have to work through those layers.
[00:23:28 - 00:23:33]
But that is the first thing. So, back to your question. Where would
I start? Start by asking yourself the question, what.
[00:23:33 - 00:23:36]
Is it that you really want? You really want to have that, that.
[00:23:36 - 00:23:47]
All time high 40k? Hey, you know what? Go for it. You know, create
a high ticket offer price at three k. Like, shout long enough, hard
enough in the online space, you will sign some clients. Boom, you
have it.
[00:23:48 - 00:23:49]
Simple as that, right?
[00:23:49 - 00:24:01]
Like, write your message, throw $100 to a copywriter if you don't
want to craft your own message, or, like, go to jet, GPT. It's also
pretty clever, you know, and keep screaming 20 times a day. You
will attract people because people always.
[00:24:01 - 00:24:04]
Go to the loudest as simple.
[00:24:04 - 00:24:46]
I want to ask a parenthesis question because I have never asked you
this, and I think it's such a. You're going to have such a good
answer and reaction I want to capture in the podcast. What do you
think of those business coaches that I have so much lately? Like,
January started and I just saw everything flooded with them. Was it
30k in 30 days? Hundred k in 90 days? And the ten k is not going
anymore. It's just like, it level.
[00:24:46 - 00:24:49]
It goes up and up and up and up and up and up.
[00:24:50 - 00:24:58]
And I'm personally, like, I'm just, I'm not really. It depends
where you're starting from, so.
[00:24:58 - 00:25:05]
Because if you start from absolute scratch, you will not have 30k
in 30 days. I'm gonna burst that bubble for you.
[00:25:05 - 00:25:06]
It will not happen.
[00:25:07 - 00:25:15]
Because if you have a following that is not engaged, is not
interested in you, is not even curious about what you do, you will
not magically establish.
[00:25:15 - 00:25:19]
That in 30 days. Right? You will not get 30k in 30 days,
[00:25:21 - 00:25:23]
Now, if someone would tell me, okay.
[00:25:23 - 00:25:27]
Like, even from scratch, like ten k.
[00:25:27 - 00:25:30]
In 30 days, I would say, okay, that is attainable.
[00:25:31 - 00:25:33]
You can reach that number.
[00:25:33 - 00:25:36]
But is it sustainable? How are you going to reach it?
[00:25:36 - 00:25:36]
[00:25:37 - 00:25:38]
So there is a difference.
[00:25:38 - 00:25:45]
Right? So would ten k in 30 days if you start from scratch, like
assuming that you don't really have an engaged following or an
engaged email list, et.
[00:25:45 - 00:25:50]
Cetera, et cetera, is that, can you reach that? Absolutely.
[00:25:50 - 00:25:59]
Is this going to be sustainable? No, because the second or third
month, you will be so burned out that you lose all interest and
you're like, okay, you know what, after shit, this.
[00:25:59 - 00:26:01]
Is not for me. Yeah.
[00:26:01 - 00:26:12]
And so I, but I just to go back to my first point, I think that is
exactly what's wrong in the industry right now because that is what
they promote, you know, don't teach.
[00:26:12 - 00:26:19]
Someone like, to do to go after that cash injection.
[00:26:19 - 00:26:21]
They glorify this. Here's the thing.
[00:26:21 - 00:26:28]
They say money is the root of all evil. Know what these people are
doing? They're glorifying it.
[00:26:28 - 00:26:46]
They're like, oh, man, the more you have, the more, like the
better. No, because you cannot attach an emotion to money. Like
it's. It's silly to attach an emotion to money. It's not. The more
you have, the better. No, you're the same person. You're not any
better. You're not any worse either. Like, there's no emotion.
[00:26:46 - 00:26:52]
Will your life up level maybe for a few days, and then the cash is
[00:26:52 - 00:26:55]
And then what? Right? So if you don't know how to.
[00:26:55 - 00:26:58]
Build a sustainable business, and here's the thing.
[00:26:58 - 00:27:06]
If you, and this is my biggest advice to everyone from the very
start, focus on building a sustainable business, will.
[00:27:06 - 00:27:10]
Your growth be slower? Absolutely.
[00:27:10 - 00:27:13]
Will you last longer and eventually actually make more?
[00:27:13 - 00:27:15]
[00:27:15 - 00:27:15]
[00:27:15 - 00:27:18]
So, like, you know that, like I preached, the very first thing that
[00:27:18 - 00:27:22]
Want to do with you is make sure that there's a recurring stream
[00:27:22 - 00:27:24]
I want to take the pressure off.
[00:27:24 - 00:27:29]
That you have every month the money to pay your bills.
[00:27:30 - 00:27:45]
I want to take and I don't want you to struggle every month or be
anxious every month. Where's my next client coming from? Shit. When
is my next pay coming from? How am I going to pay for my bills? How
am I going to pay? Nora, like, I don't want that stress for you.
[00:27:46 - 00:27:50]
So first step I think everyone should.
[00:27:50 - 00:27:55]
Focus on is not necessarily like the high cash months because you
can receive.
[00:27:55 - 00:28:07]
Those high cash months. No, build sustainability. Build
sustainability. So because I just said, like, I make six figures
per month now from those six figures around, it fluctuates a
[00:28:07 - 00:28:09]
But like, on average, let's say forty.
[00:28:09 - 00:28:12]
Five k. Fifty k comes from my.
[00:28:12 - 00:28:13]
[00:28:14 - 00:28:16]
Where, like, at this moment there's.
[00:28:16 - 00:28:19]
137 people in there.
[00:28:20 - 00:28:26]
But it comes from that membership. It's $300 that membership per
month. A coaching membership.
[00:28:26 - 00:28:27]
Well, actually not.
[00:28:27 - 00:28:30]
It's an elite membership, as I call it, because all these people
completed my.
[00:28:30 - 00:28:32]
Program and now they are there up.
[00:28:32 - 00:28:37]
Level from two hundred fifty k to seven figures. That's the only
goal of that membership.
[00:28:38 - 00:28:39]
But I don't.
[00:28:39 - 00:28:45]
Even if I stop doing marketing for a year, even if I don't bring in
new clients, etc. Etc.
[00:28:45 - 00:28:45]
[00:28:45 - 00:28:51]
That 45k is guaranteed every single month. You know how much
pressure that takes off a human.
[00:28:52 - 00:28:52]
[00:28:52 - 00:28:59]
Knowing that you don't always have to be full force and full in it.
I love my business. I love coaching. I love mentoring and all of
[00:28:59 - 00:29:03]
I even love creating content because I.
[00:29:03 - 00:29:05]
Want to create, not because I, if.
[00:29:05 - 00:29:06]
I did, the second I get the.
[00:29:06 - 00:29:09]
Feeling I have to, I lose interest.
[00:29:09 - 00:29:13]
I don't want to. So, like, the first thing that I.
[00:29:13 - 00:29:20]
Want to do with people is take that pressure off, know how to build
recurring income from the very beginning.
[00:29:21 - 00:29:22]
And then if you have that base.
[00:29:23 - 00:29:24]
That'S when you level up.
[00:29:24 - 00:29:30]
That's when you start creating the five k, ten k and 25k offers.
That is when you start cashing in.
[00:29:30 - 00:29:32]
On those one time things and.
[00:29:32 - 00:29:33]
But if you have a sustainable system.
[00:29:33 - 00:29:35]
Then you also know how to keep.
[00:29:35 - 00:29:38]
Those people in your corner after they completed that program.
[00:29:38 - 00:29:41]
Because your best client is an existing client.
[00:29:41 - 00:29:43]
That's another thing of buyer psychology.
[00:29:43 - 00:29:49]
It's easier to convert an existing client than it is to convert a
[00:29:49 - 00:29:51]
Who has never spent a dollar on you.
[00:29:51 - 00:29:53]
So if you know that, why are.
[00:29:53 - 00:30:09]
You still working with freebies? Make them a client from the very
beginning because they're very, they're easier to upgrade right. In
your business to make them walk that ladder. And I think that is
another thing, because I make it sound like the only purpose for
you is to make.
[00:30:09 - 00:30:12]
Them walk up that ladder, which is.
[00:30:12 - 00:30:13]
Not how I feel.
[00:30:13 - 00:30:16]
You should run your business, because at.
[00:30:16 - 00:30:24]
The end of the day, we are in business to actually deliver a
transformation, to deliver growth. And I feel if you're in
[00:30:24 - 00:30:30]
Because your only focus is, okay, money, money, money, it takes
[00:30:30 - 00:30:36]
It's not about you. And I think that is the hardest lesson I had to
learn in my business. My business is not about me.
[00:30:36 - 00:30:37]
It's not about me.
[00:30:37 - 00:30:39]
It's about my clients.
[00:30:40 - 00:30:45]
And when it comes to me, like, working with my clients, it's 50%
[00:30:45 - 00:30:56]
Them, but the other 50%, it's about their clients. Because I can
only, like, I have to dive into the mind of, like two steps ahead.
My apologies.
[00:30:56 - 00:30:57]
[00:30:57 - 00:30:59]
I have to dive in a step two times ahead to actually see, okay.
[00:30:59 - 00:31:01]
What is going to work.
[00:31:01 - 00:31:06]
And then it's trial and error right at the end of the day. But
here's the thing.
[00:31:06 - 00:31:12]
If you understand the human mind, it's easier. And then, and that
is like, so.
[00:31:12 - 00:31:18]
That'S the first question, what is it that you really want? And
then I would say, you know, instead of focusing on those high
[00:31:18 - 00:31:23]
Months as an entrepreneur coach, focus on sustainability first.
Like, have.
[00:31:23 - 00:31:37]
Have a structure, a strategy in place that allows you to build
recurring income from the very, very, very start, however you want
to do it. Like, I recommend membership for literally any coach,
but, like, there's so many ways that you can actually do that,
[00:31:38 - 00:31:41]
So build recurring income.
[00:31:42 - 00:31:44]
It's so important. So it's.
[00:31:44 - 00:31:49]
Nothing is more relaxing waking up knowing.
[00:31:50 - 00:31:57]
Like, okay, my money's been taken care of. Like, even like, I'm
sick. It's okay, I don't need to work. I know my business is
working for me and I think this is the.
[00:31:57 - 00:32:01]
Second step you should be working on. It's an automated lead
[00:32:01 - 00:32:05]
Like, you need to have a lead generation in place that is working
[00:32:05 - 00:32:08]
You even when you are not. Right?
[00:32:08 - 00:32:10]
So, for example, if you post on.
[00:32:10 - 00:32:15]
Instagram, what would happen after one month not posting on
[00:32:15 - 00:32:23]
Do you think you would still receive those DM's? Of course not,
because the lifespan of your video and your reel is simply not that
[00:32:23 - 00:32:25]
Maybe your reel can reach a few.
[00:32:25 - 00:32:34]
Weeks, like depending on the reel, but in general it's not. So you
want to make sure if you do lead generation to use an omnichannel
approach. And that can, for example, be a.
[00:32:34 - 00:32:38]
Podcast or YouTube or Pinterest for that.
[00:32:38 - 00:32:40]
Matter, where people who haven't posted on.
[00:32:40 - 00:32:44]
Pinterest for years, are still receiving millions.
[00:32:44 - 00:32:50]
Of views on their website every single month. Right. So you want to
be strategic about your lead generation.
[00:32:50 - 00:32:52]
At the end of the day, if.
[00:32:52 - 00:32:55]
Something would happen to you or someone you love and you need to
[00:32:55 - 00:33:00]
Aside for three, four, five months, would your business suffer or
would it still be running?
[00:33:01 - 00:33:10]
Would you suffer because you not know where your paycheck is coming
from? Or would you be calm, known, like, okay, you know, it's been
taken care of. Like, it's coming in. It's coming in.
[00:33:10 - 00:33:12]
Because I feel that is how you.
[00:33:12 - 00:33:15]
Want to build your business. That's what I say is it's gonna be
[00:33:15 - 00:33:16]
[00:33:17 - 00:33:18]
But when I say slower, I don't.
[00:33:18 - 00:33:20]
Mean like, twelve years.
[00:33:20 - 00:33:33]
So I think when I reached my first seven figure year, I had. I
think it was in year five or six, which is when I reached my seven
figure year, right? So when I had my six figure.
[00:33:34 - 00:33:37]
Year, I think it was in the second year. First year, I was
[00:33:37 - 00:33:39]
I had no coach. I was just like.
[00:33:39 - 00:33:42]
I. I didn't even know what I was doing, honestly.
[00:33:43 - 00:33:44]
But then in the second year, once.
[00:33:44 - 00:33:48]
I started to really apply the biopsychology.
[00:33:48 - 00:33:56]
That I already had knowledge of, but I was actually applying it,
and, like, with input of my mentor back in the day, very
[00:33:56 - 00:33:57]
And here was my point.
[00:33:57 - 00:33:59]
Because if you say, what do you really want?
[00:34:00 - 00:34:09]
So, for me, it was a very simple answer. I want financial freedom,
but I want more time freedom.
[00:34:09 - 00:34:12]
So that is why I don't work more. It's non negotiable for me.
[00:34:12 - 00:34:21]
I don't work more than 20 hours a week. But what I also want is,
um, the ability to just back out, you.
[00:34:21 - 00:34:23]
Know, and just enjoy life. Right.
[00:34:23 - 00:34:25]
I want to take the pressure off.
[00:34:25 - 00:34:28]
What I also don't want. I don't want to go to. I'm the high. I'm
[00:34:28 - 00:34:31]
The biggest introvert you will ever meet.
[00:34:31 - 00:34:33]
I don't want to go to in person networking events.
[00:34:34 - 00:34:37]
I don't want to dm all day. I avoid people.
[00:34:37 - 00:34:40]
Like, I could monetize that. Like, it's a talent.
[00:34:40 - 00:34:42]
Like, I avoid people like the plague.
[00:34:42 - 00:34:50]
In real life, so why would I chase them online? So, I was very
clear in the beginning, it's not. Not what I want, and there's
[00:34:50 - 00:34:55]
Billion ways to roam, and there's a billion ways in your business
to make things work.
[00:34:56 - 00:34:56]
[00:34:56 - 00:35:00]
And all strategies work, just not for everyone. Does the em ing
work? Sure.
[00:35:01 - 00:35:07]
If that's your gem, it's gonna work. But if it's not aligned with
who you are and your energy, it's not gonna be sustainable.
[00:35:07 - 00:35:11]
So it doesn't work. So that is definitely.
[00:35:11 - 00:35:13]
So. First of all, ask yourself, what is.
[00:35:13 - 00:35:14]
It that you really want?
[00:35:14 - 00:35:17]
Two, focus on a recurring stream instead.
[00:35:17 - 00:35:19]
Of those high cash months.
[00:35:19 - 00:35:28]
Like, first, focus on stabilizing your situation, meaning that you
want to have a recurring 2345k, whatever number you need to have a
comfortable living.
[00:35:28 - 00:35:31]
Focus on that first, and then you scale.
[00:35:31 - 00:35:38]
Then you scale. Only then you scale. Third part, you want to focus
on lead generation so that your business actually keeps working for
you, even if you.
[00:35:38 - 00:35:39]
Don'T feel like working.
[00:35:39 - 00:35:42]
Because this is another thing. If you just chase the high
[00:35:42 - 00:35:48]
Every time you step aside, there's no new client coming in, so no
new money coming in.
[00:35:48 - 00:35:54]
So what do these coaches do? They never take time off. They flash
their travels and their fancy.
[00:35:54 - 00:35:59]
Life, but none of them disappear besides Vanessa Lowe. Love that
[00:35:59 - 00:36:11]
Like, such a bold move just came back. Yeah, I saw YouTube and
honestly, best thing I've seen in a long time is like, you know,
this is. This is exactly it. And she built a motherfucking empire
[00:36:11 - 00:36:13]
This is what happened, right?
[00:36:13 - 00:36:17]
Having that high seven figure income every, like, if you saw her
expenses, I'm.
[00:36:17 - 00:36:19]
Like, what the fuck?
[00:36:19 - 00:36:21]
She had such high, expensive.
[00:36:21 - 00:36:21]
Of course.
[00:36:21 - 00:36:32]
She has so much pressure on her shoulder. My business runs, I think
my business expenses because I work by myself. Besides my
accountant, I don't have a team. I think my business expenses per
[00:36:32 - 00:36:38]
Are around with my coaches included, around 25k.
[00:36:38 - 00:36:39]
[00:36:39 - 00:36:40]
But I know that I make that.
[00:36:40 - 00:36:42]
Because my membership in and of itself.
[00:36:42 - 00:36:51]
Makes between 45 and 50. So I'm always good. Like, I always know I
can pay my bills. Right. But I think that is such a bold move
[00:36:51 - 00:36:56]
But that only shows that chasing money is not.
[00:36:56 - 00:36:58]
It's not sustainable.
[00:36:59 - 00:37:01]
Yeah, it's like, I think that is.
[00:37:01 - 00:37:08]
The problem that people go glorify the money. Your money will
become absolutely pointless if.
[00:37:08 - 00:37:11]
You have a burnout or actually feel.
[00:37:11 - 00:37:13]
Depressed or you don't want to get.
[00:37:13 - 00:37:27]
Up in the morning. There's no amount of money that will get you up.
And you can see it in Hollywood. How many people, despite the
money, commit suicide because they're unhappy? Money does not equal
happiness, and I think that people need to understand this.
[00:37:28 - 00:37:34]
Happiness is something that you create for yourself. It's an inner
dialogue, and it's actions.
[00:37:34 - 00:37:40]
That you need to put in place to make you feel happy. Money, does
that make it easier?
[00:37:40 - 00:37:41]
Without a doubt.
[00:37:41 - 00:37:44]
Because you're happier when you don't have money worries.
[00:37:45 - 00:37:47]
I'm not gonna. That's just how it is.
[00:37:47 - 00:37:50]
Yeah, but constantly just chasing that big.
[00:37:50 - 00:37:51]
Number, that is not.
[00:37:51 - 00:38:04]
That is not gonna make you happy. And she's a perfect example. I
love it. Like, and here's the thing. And I love, if you have
watched her YouTube, where she explains why she quit for a year,
why she took.
[00:38:04 - 00:38:07]
A sabbatical, she says, I felt like.
[00:38:07 - 00:38:35]
Along the line, I was always chasing more and more and more and
more, and it wasn't me anymore. I lost my energy, I lost my
commitment, my enthusiasm, everything. I didn't even recognize
myself anymore. And this is so funny because I have her boss,
Graham Academy, like, one of the first versions I bought from her
because I loved her. I loved her because she was always so raw and
uncensored in her and.
[00:38:35 - 00:38:38]
All of her content and. But then the last, I would say.
[00:38:38 - 00:38:52]
Two years, I was like, I followed her everywhere. I didn't like her
anymore because, like, who are you? Like, you feel so forced and
kind of fake. Like, you feel it in persons, right? So it wasn't
surprised that one moment she said, okay, I'm honest about it.
[00:38:52 - 00:38:54]
Goes like, I was like, oh, you do you.
[00:38:54 - 00:39:02]
Good for you, right? Like, I really didn't like her. But then I saw
her comeback video, and it made me fall in love with her all over.
I was like, this is exactly the.
[00:39:02 - 00:39:03]
Woman that I love.
[00:39:03 - 00:39:07]
Like, shout out to Vanessa Lau in that video.
[00:39:07 - 00:39:09]
It gave me chills.
[00:39:09 - 00:39:15]
And it's something that I'm talking about in the podcast. When she
talked about identity.
[00:39:15 - 00:39:16]
[00:39:16 - 00:40:01]
Her identity being asian, she's not sharing with the family. Like,
this is. These are the real things that get on the way of not
making money, because it's not a money mindset or financial trauma
or trauma. As an entrepreneur, it's not about your ability to make
money. It's about how you live your life with that. And when she
recognized losing who she was like that to the point to get into
the content and sound like somebody else, she mentions two people,
Alex, Harmony, and somebody else that I don't remember.
[00:40:02 - 00:40:04]
And it's just like, wow.
[00:40:04 - 00:40:18]
And it's like, it's completely not me, but this is what it was
making it. So it's like building this huge machine and just feeding
it to the algorithm, really into the thing.
[00:40:18 - 00:40:20]
And that's not.
[00:40:20 - 00:40:25]
I don't think this is what you or I'm sure this is not what you and
I are here in this space.
[00:40:25 - 00:40:26]
And I don't think this is what.
[00:40:26 - 00:41:06]
Anybody who listens to this podcast wants, because it's not only
about making it. It's not only about being recognized in the space.
It's about how do we make this to feel like it is part of my life.
It's just like, this is my work. This is. Yeah, I create. Somebody
chooses to go to a nine to five job. I choose to have a business
that is part of my life, my complete life. That is not everything
that I am. So it's a valuable, valuable lesson and.
[00:41:06 - 00:41:07]
I think that's great.
[00:41:07 - 00:41:48]
To summarize this podcast and close it today, this podcast is going
to be around springtime. So I really want you to take all the
weather energy that spring will give you and sit down with what
Nora has shared today and what we have talked about here today and
analyze that first question. That can be a freaking hard question
to answer. I think my clients take at least two months to come up
with, like, first the imposter answer and then the real answer.
[00:41:48 - 00:41:48]
[00:41:48 - 00:42:06]
And on that time, it's just like, it is not an easy question. It
took me a long time as well. I think the first year of my business
was like, what the hell do I want? And now that it's changing,
because obvious reasons, baby is coming, it's also taking me.
[00:42:06 - 00:42:07]
No, not anymore.
[00:42:07 - 00:42:47]
Let me correct that. It also took me time to say, okay, what is it
that I want from this stage of my business for my life? And, well,
you know this more than anybody. Those first months were like, what
the hell am I gonna do? Like what? It's a real question that really
gets in your head, but it's what starts everything. It's what it
starts the fire is what it keeps the fire. So I invite you to do
that and come and share with us. You can find Nora on instagram.
Well, just tell everybody how they can find you and how they can
[00:42:47 - 00:42:56]
In contact with you. Oh, it's very simple. Either go to the website
nora or go to, I would say, Instagram.
[00:42:57 - 00:43:04]
Because I'm most active there. Same Nora Noelle Brown are very easy
to find. Every same name everywhere.
[00:43:05 - 00:43:08]
Or send an email to Nora at.
[00:43:08 - 00:43:16]
You guessed it, Like, it's very, very simple.
Yeah, definitely, if you have questions. But here's the thing.
[00:43:16 - 00:43:23]
I want people, one, I want you to wrap this up, encourage you to
answer that question.
[00:43:23 - 00:43:24]
Take time.
[00:43:24 - 00:43:29]
Really take time to answer question, what is it that you really
want then?
[00:43:29 - 00:43:32]
Secondly, how am I going to build recurring income from the very
[00:43:33 - 00:43:35]
How can I take the edge of it.
[00:43:35 - 00:43:40]
Things how just like a guarantee that you can pay your bills and
[00:43:40 - 00:43:48]
Comfortable, that you don't need to eat noodles every single day.
Like, how can I create that recurring income from the get go?
[00:43:48 - 00:43:52]
And three, how am I actually going to build a lead generation that
[00:43:52 - 00:43:54]
Working for me even when I'm not working?
[00:43:55 - 00:43:58]
But fourth, the fourth one, we didn't discuss it.
[00:43:58 - 00:43:59]
It's a whole other topic.
[00:44:01 - 00:44:13]
Do everything. Well, I'm mentioning it because you mentioned, like,
the identity with Vanessa. One thing that you also brought up was
Vanessa was the word integrity, because.
[00:44:13 - 00:44:14]
That should be the fourth pillar that.
[00:44:14 - 00:44:16]
You really need to focus on.
[00:44:16 - 00:44:23]
What is an outcome that you can guaranteed deliver, because your
business is not about you.
[00:44:23 - 00:44:26]
What problem can you guarantee solve for.
[00:44:26 - 00:44:31]
Someone that is monetizable? And you can do that in all your
[00:44:32 - 00:44:35]
But if you're just in there for the quick buck, not really selling
[00:44:35 - 00:44:37]
Solution, you just think, oh, this is.
[00:44:37 - 00:44:43]
Sellable right now at the moment, like Jetgpt courses, let's
quickly make a Jetgpt course.
[00:44:43 - 00:44:44]
You're not a fucking axe for jet.
[00:44:45 - 00:45:02]
Hippity is not even around for that long. Like, these are like,
literally or like people when threats from Instagram came out, and
then the third day, people are already selling like, I'm a threats
coach. Are you really, though? Are you really? Like, these are
people that jump on every trend just to monetize and they.
[00:45:02 - 00:45:06]
Don'T have your best interest at heart.
[00:45:06 - 00:45:15]
They don't care if you grow, they don't care if you succeed. And I
know for an absolute fact, if you're listening to this podcast, if
you are in Alejandra's corner, I think.
[00:45:15 - 00:45:17]
That should be the fourth pillar.
[00:45:17 - 00:45:23]
What is something that lights your soul up, but also know that this
[00:45:23 - 00:45:28]
What I can guarantee deliver to an individual.
[00:45:28 - 00:45:40]
If you can answer that, well, here's the thing. If you can answer
that one together with what do I really want? What transformation
can I, what growth, whatever, can I absolutely, positively deliver
to a human?
[00:45:40 - 00:45:42]
If you can answer those two questions.
[00:45:42 - 00:45:43]
Then you don't even need to ask.
[00:45:43 - 00:45:50]
Yourself the questions about what is my niche? What is my ideal
person? Those two questions answer it all.
[00:45:50 - 00:46:00]
You're not focusing on the right questions. That is what I want to
say. You're not focused. You're making it unnecessary hard for
yourself because you feel you have to follow all the steps that
social media is presenting.
[00:46:00 - 00:46:01]
You keep it simple.
[00:46:01 - 00:46:02]
Answer those two questions.
[00:46:02 - 00:46:04]
And how can I support that if.
[00:46:04 - 00:46:05]
You have those two questions?
[00:46:05 - 00:46:07]
Okay, how can my offers, how can.
[00:46:07 - 00:46:09]
My communication on my content.
[00:46:09 - 00:46:11]
How can they support that from making.
[00:46:11 - 00:46:13]
People aware, getting them curious to attract.
[00:46:13 - 00:46:17]
Them into my corner, getting them engaged, committed sale.
[00:46:17 - 00:46:19]
And it's not a sale, it's not.
[00:46:19 - 00:46:24]
A number, because you know you can guarantee deliver the result
through your offer.
[00:46:25 - 00:46:28]
So it's in integrity. So, and this makes the entire sales
[00:46:28 - 00:46:33]
If you don't feel icky, you don't feel salesy, you don't feel
pushy, none of that.
[00:46:33 - 00:46:34]
Even if you speak about your office.
[00:46:34 - 00:46:36]
24/7 it just feels good.
[00:46:36 - 00:46:38]
Because you know for an absolute fact.
[00:46:38 - 00:46:41]
That you will somehow.
[00:46:43 - 00:46:44]
Make the quality.
[00:46:44 - 00:46:49]
Of someone's life or business relationship health doesn't matter
[00:46:49 - 00:46:51]
So if you walk in integrity, the.
[00:46:51 - 00:47:00]
Rest of your business plan, it will unfold. It will just reveal
itself, unravel. That was the word that I was looking for.
[00:47:00 - 00:47:19]
Love it. Okay, we can talk about this the whole time, but we're
gonna cut the podcast here. But you have all Nora's information. I
will link it to the show notes below. And, well, it's time for you
to face your own demon. Go ahead and reflect on those questions and
come back to us with the answers we are here for.