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Jan 25, 2023


Break Up with Lack and Live Your Best Life with Phoebee's Best Life Bible.

"If you don't take care of yourself, you're not going to show up your best self for your family, you're not going to show up your best self at work, you're not going to be bold enough to take risks. You're not going to be bold enough to put your ideas out there. And it's impossible to live your absolute best if you're holding back." - Phoebee

Phoebee is a self-love and best life coach, author, and CrossFit gym owner. She works with youngish women to help them unlock their best lives and build their confidence.

Phoebee is a self-love and best life coach, new author, and owner of a CrossFit gym. Through her journey, she has realized that the key to unlocking happiness and living your best life is to embody ten non-negotiable actions. When she started to write her book, "The Best Life Bible", she found that her intuition was telling her it was time. Through writing the book, she realized that self-love, purpose, and relationships were essential in living your best life and managing money. Through her own story of growing up with two families, she found that her own money story was one of lack and the absence of luxury, and that she had to create her own money story.

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. What are the ten non-negotiable actions for living a seriously good life?
2. How can self-love and emotional regulation help us unlock the 'cream of the crop' 20% of our best lives?
3. How can understanding our own money stories help us to create a life of abundance and luxury?


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Chapter Summaries:

The happy and wealthy podcast is becoming let's break up with the lack right now. The story that we are going to talk about today is going to be so mind blowing. Philippi, welcome to the podcast.
"I am a self love and best life coach. I'm a new author, I just published my book. I also own a CrossFit gym, which is my original business, baby " She says she's the most emotionally regulated human being she's ever met. We'll talk about emotional regulation with money later on the podcast.
We are both peer mentors for the manifestation babe with Catherine's Inkina. Sometimes you see somebody that is already doing what you do and you feel this connection. Now this is the time that I get to be on the peer mentors.
I used to think I was a bit of a creep because I would get so invested and so excited for people. Now I'm really seeing it as, like, celebrate the hell out of that. That's such a powerful energy to be so excited about someone else.
The best life Bible is a book of ten non negotiable actions for living a seriously good life. Author says the timing was perfect when she was pregnant. She never intended to share so much of her life in it, but realized now how important that is.
Self love with money, relationship with money and really purpose with money. How have you seen that all of these principles apply to you when it comes to money? If you have any application for it?
Alejandro: There are different parts of you that live within yourself. There are the parts that, when it comes to your money story, grow up with you. The way that is going to survive at home is being that part of you taking the lead.
We cannot rewire a brain that is emotionally activated. What you have to do is to go back and heal that emotion. Not everything is about just talking. It's also doing the work of healing, closing the wound and then doing like rewiring.
Business is tricky. I've gone through so many phases of such abundance and then other times of real scarcity. Everything that I'm doing in this podcast for 2023 is showing you exactly how you need to take care of your mindset when this word recession comes around.
Phoebee: People can find me on my website, Phoebeewarpole. com. If you have not downloaded the 2023 Step by Step guide of Money and Money Mindset steps that you would take on a recession, go into the description below and download it.