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The Plunge with Garrett Hayes

Dec 27, 2022

Charles Mayfield is a bit of a renaissance man.  Especially when it comes to food, fitness, farming and lard.


Among many his many hats, he is the founder/creator of Farrow Skincare.  Chemical and toxin-free, Farrow products are made with regenerative farming practices. 


Interested in lathering up in some sweet,...

Dec 13, 2022

Is there an afterlife?  If so, what does that look like?  How do you make the best of this life?  Reverend Deborah Shield and I go into this and lot more today on The Plunge.


Deborah, a natural born psychic-medium, called a "Bridger" by her Spirit Guides.

Her experiences include demonstrating Evidential Mediumship...