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The Daniela Cambone Show

Oct 23, 2023

“This is not a war of the type that any of us have experienced before, which is one of the reasons why investors are going to have to be so dexterous,” says Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. He explains that in the past 12 months, the U.S. has doubled the import of Uranium from Russia, and Russia recently transmitted hydrocarbons through Ukraine while paying a transit fee. Rick believes that is “a strange way to act in a war.”

He continues that the dire warning from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon carries merits given what’s happening in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world. He says, “The next 10 years [are] going to require a lot more dexterity than the last 40 have.” Additionally, he advises investors to own assets such as cash, gold, and uranium because the higher deposit rates, which "are going to be a big problem," are still below the real rate of inflation.

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