May 29, 2022
Season One is a reading of “Storm Over Warlock” by Andre Alice Norton so we recommend listening to the episodes in order for the most rewarding experience. This episode covers chapters seven and eight.
In our previous episode, Shann, Thorvald, and the wolverines rode down the river on a raft, pursued by the Throgs...
May 22, 2022
Season One is a reading of “Storm Over Warlock” by Andre Alice Norton so we recommend listening to the episodes in order for the most rewarding experience. This episode covers chapters five and six. In our previous episode, Shann investigated the crash site but was trapped by a Throg that survived the scout...
May 16, 2022
Season One is a reading of “Storm Over Warlock” by Andre Alice Norton so we recommend listening to the episodes in order for the most rewarding experience. This episode covers chapters three and four.
In our previous episode, you were introduced to our protagonist, Shann Lantee and his trained wolverine companions....
May 9, 2022
Interesting stories of science and science fiction read in a calming voice for nighttime, naptime, or drivetime.
Season One is a reading of “Storm Over Warlock” by Andre Alice Norton so we recommend listening to the episodes in order for the most rewarding experience.
This episode includes the first two...