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Flex Uncensored - A Coworking Podcast

Jan 16, 2024

What’s on the horizon for 2024? We don’t have a crystal ball, but we do get pretty deep exposure to what’s going on in the industry through the work we do with operators all year long. So, we think we have some pretty good insights into 2024!

What does Gio do all year? Gio is a commercial office leasing broker focusing exclusively on coworking/flex deals for operators and landlords. He has the largest coworking industry network of anyone I know (besides me) and therefore really has his pulse on how markets are performing, deals getting done, and industry innovation.

What does Jamie do all day besides keep up with two podcasts a week? She manages the Coworking Startup School, Community Manager University, and works with asset owners on the feasibility of adding flex to their own portfolio.


Resources Mentioned in this Podcast:

Register for our upcoming class: Funding a Coworking Space in 2024


Connect with your Hosts:

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Find Jamie on the Everything Coworking Podcast