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Religion on the Line

Jun 30, 2022

Rabbi Michael, Reverend Hill, and Deacon Scholl discuss possible outcomes of the recent Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade.   As well, they discuss the morality of organ donations in light of their faith perspectives

Jun 23, 2022

Bob, Mike and Bill discuss whether Pope Francis might retire from the Chair of Peter, Funerals and the Efficacy of Negativity (hint not so much).

Jun 16, 2022

Rev. Bob Hill, Dcn. Bill Scholl and Rabbi Michael Zedek discuss how each of their faith communities confront abuse and work to create safe environments.

Jun 3, 2022

Rabbi Zedek, Rev. Bob Hill, and Dcn. Bill Scholl talk about access to assault weapons in the wake of the massacre of children in Ulvade, Texas. What is our moral responsibility regarding gun regulations and how do we build consensus to prevent future atrocities?