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A Slice of Cannabis

Dec 24, 2023

For this year's reading of A Visit from St. Nick I thought I would take a try at making a cannabis version of the classic poem. Let us know what you think and I hope you all have an amazing Holidaze Season 🎄💚

Find us on Instagram @asliceofcannabis @the_ruggedgent

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Dec 19, 2023

Happy Holidaze and welcome in for Slivers of Slice! We took our inspiration today from the episode with our friend Rhizo Rich. Now Snickerdoodles have an interesting and chewy history, much like the cookie!... OK, OK, it's not chewy but it is more complex than you may have thought. Like, were you aware this cookie more...

Nov 29, 2023

Happy Holidays and welcome in for a new Sliver of Slice. Todays episode is about Cotija Cheese and then some cannabis history about Latin America. Angelo and I discuss the origins of the salty, crumbly goodness known as Cotija cheese. Where it comes from in Mexico, how long it has been around, and how this cheese is not...

Nov 7, 2023

Welcome back to a NEW episode of A Slice of Cannabis! We apologize for our absence but we are literally bringing the heat with our latest subject: Salsa 🌶

Angelo is with me to talk about the raw beginnings of this favorite condiment. We discover the first renditions of salsa in the Mesoamericas and the surprising...

Jul 18, 2023

This time on Slivers of Slice we are going to take a look at the fermented food world and focus on  kimchi. This food was mentioned during the Jordan River episode of Slice. Looking into the history with Angelo was quite the history lesson in food but also the region of Asia including Korea, China, and Japan. Much more...