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A Slice of Cannabis

Apr 9, 2024

Here we are at the final episode of Euro Tripping where Angelo and I talk about my time in Germany. One of my favorite parts of being in Germany was the history and the wood burning stove, in the episode picture, which we had to do all our cooking on! I also touch on a lot of the snacks I got to enjoy in Europe, including the Dutch Peanut M&Ms 🤤

Angelo asks me a couple questions about my trip, including my favorite city to explore and which food I enjoyed most. Then we finish with me talking about the cannabis culture I experienced in each county, which was much different from what I'm used to here on the West Coast.

So roll up some pure and join us for a well rounded episode to finish off my Euro Tripping!

Find us on Instagram @asliceofcannabis @the_ruggedgent

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