Mar 14, 2023
Professional wrestlers and married couple Brie Bella and Bryan Danielson join Oliver and Erinn to talk about all things married life, including whether or not pets take a backseat once you have kids, their differences in arguing styles, the benefits of marriage counseling, depression and mental health struggles and how...
Feb 28, 2023
Oliver and Erinn talk with Rachel Sobel, the creator of “Whine and Cheez(its)” about dating as a single mom before meeting her husband and how things are different when you have a child when dating, setting the tone for a blended household, finding the right balance between giving kids a safety net vs letting them...
Feb 21, 2023
How Taye and Apryl wound up together, how we project our childhood issues onto our kids, working through our egos and past trauma during disagreements, how to really hear each other during arguments, how much to share our past sexual life with our current partners, and the importance of levity and humor in a relationship.
Feb 14, 2023
The most memorable Valentine’s Days including the time Erinn & Oliver did a gender reveal for their third child, why they wanted to find out the sex of the baby after wanting to be surprised the first two times, the best (and least expensive) gesture for the holiday, how the focus of the day changes after you have...
Feb 7, 2023
Erinn and Oliver talk with Cat and Nat about their lifelong friendship and whether or not their husbands are jealous of the time they spend together, the best times of day to have sex, how to handle kids with learning disabilities, how to navigate kids getting into their own relationships, and what’s off limits...