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Therapy Wise

Nov 20, 2023

In today’s episode, I discuss some of the dark sides of the psychology world. In the episode, I explore:

       Reasons why I am speaking out about this

       The meta level changes that are happening in the world right now, which are contributing to the crumbling of certain systems

       My perspective on the College of Alberta Psychologists

       The adversarial nature of the College’s interactions with members and applicants

       Concerns regarding the College’s heavy focus on regulating provisionals and light focus on regulating supervisors

       What I think the College could do differently

       Issues around training programs for psychologists

       What I have heard and experienced with regard to leaders in our industry

       The most common concern that I hear from therapists and clients- how practice owners behave when therapists leave their clinic

       Some concerns I have heard about group practice owners

       An experience I had with being threatened to be sued by a fellow group practice owner

       The many problems that continue to happen with supervisors

       A story about a provisional who I helped through a very challenging time with her supervisor

I hope this episode is helpful for you!

~ Dr. Jennie Ward

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