Feb 15, 2023
Richard is back on this side of the pond and we've got a lot to cover. There's a pretty amazing Virgin Voyages deal out there right now. If you're looking for a great adults-only cruise you should definitely consider this. It can be fully booked with points, including taxes and fees!
There's a Delta Flash Sale that falls under a new header for mileage redemption. "Look, but don't touch!"
Costco has some pretty solid travel deals right now including a really good package to Universal Orlando.
And, we're recapping the final part of Richard's trip, including Disneyland Paris and our horrible pronunciation of Hyatt Regency Paris L'etoile. Oh, and the Air France business class experience that still has us scratching our heads.
If you're looking for a way to support the show, we've launched a new Slack Community. You can support the show and purchase access below:
We'll have witty, funny, sarcastic discussions about travel, for members only. I'll be inviting some of the brightest minds in travel to come join me on a weekly basis. Heck, some of them may even accept the invitation. Richard has already threatened to stop by!
For the first month I'll be donating ALL of the proceeds to my daughter's Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Fundraiser. After that, half of the proceeds will go to support various charities we raise money on behalf of.
I appreciate your support!
Don't forget that you can leave us a voicemail or text us at (571) 293-6659. Listen for your question on a future show!
Shoot us an e-mail (ed@pizzainmotion.com) or you can tweet me and Richard if you have questions.