Nov 17, 2021
On this episode of the I See Dead Plants Podcast, host Ed Zaworski speaks with Dr. Xavier Phillips about detecting the impact of fungicides on soybeans using unmanned aerial vehicles (also known as drones). This interview is based on research published in the journal Agronomy, called “Estimating Soybean Radiation Use Efficiency Using a UAV in Iowa.” Dr. Phillips is currently a field crop researcher with Syngenta.
Additional Resources
Remote Sensing in Agriculture Special Issue of the journal
Agronomy. Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Soybean Foliar Diseases
from the Crop Protection Network. Fungicide Use in Field Crops web
book from the Crop Protection Network.
How to cite this podcast
Zaworski, E. (Host) and Phillips, X. (Interviewee). Flying Saucers and Fungicides: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Used to Measure Soybean Stress. S1:E5 (Podcast). 11-17-21. In I See Dead Plants. Crop Protection Network.