Mar 20, 2024
In this three-part episode Ed take a deep dive into the Southern corn leaf blight epidemic of 1970. Ed interviews Dr. Snook Pataky, Dr. Sung Lim and Dr. Dave Smith. Dr. Snook Pataky is a professor emeritus at University of Illinois and former Monsanto employee. Dr. Sung Lim is former department chair and retired professor from the University of Arkansas plant pathology department. Dr. Dave Smith received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois and was formerly employed at Dekalb, Monsanto and Zea Sage. They discuss the epidemic and what it was like to be part of the research that was being done on it.
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How to cite the podcast:
Zaworski, E. (Host) Lim, S., Pataky, J. and Smith, D. (Interviewees). S3:E14 (Podcast). Whispers in the Fields: The True Story of the Southern Corn Leaf Blight Epidemic of 1970 Part 3. 3/20/24. In I See Dead Plants. Crop Protection Network.