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Rainbow Rodeo

Oct 31, 2022

Hey there, cowpokes! I just got hitched, which meant I got a liiiittle behind working on the podcast. But, I think this interview with Violet Bell is well worth the white. The North Carolina duo, consisting of Lizzy Ross and Omar Ruiz-Lopez, just released their gorgeous new album, Shapeshifter. The album retells the ancient story of the selkie from many perspectives. Not only is the album beautiful musically, but Violet Bell use the story to make connections to dysphoria, power, imperialism, and liberation -- all from an old fisherman's tale.
The bad news is the duo got COVID right after when the album was released, but the good news is you still have time to see their rescheduled album release show in December, so check out their website to find out where you can catch them.
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"All The Stars" -- Violet Bell (1:35)
"Mi Gente" -- Hector Lavoe and the Fania All Stars (16:03)
"Fisherman's Daughter" -- Violet Bell (20:32)
"I Am a Wolf" -- Violet Bell (34:53)
"Free Leonard Peltier" -- Joe Troop (50:54)
"Mortal Like Me" -- Violet Bell (56:40)