Nov 29, 2023
Eli recently came across a wedding-related post on r/AITA and the guys hash out whether or not the couple is the asshole. Who is a wedding for? Also, Eli subjects Tom and Thomas to the worst wedding vows ever so now you all must be subjected to it too.
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Nov 26, 2023
Tom hates his son's girlfriend and wants to know how to get rid of her. That sounds worse than it is... wait no that sounds about right. The dads talk about when you don't like someone's partner. Should you say something? If so, how? Will they listen? The tactics get creative.
For extended episodes, bonus content, and...
Nov 22, 2023
Let's all go around the podcast and say what we're thankful for, starting with you. Three gratidudes talk about gratitude for this Thanksgiving special!
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Nov 17, 2023
For extended episodes,
bonus content, and most importantly, for an AD FREE SHOW, make sure
to pledge on Patreon!
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Nov 10, 2023