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Dear Old Dads

Sep 27, 2024

We couldn't fit the fun of this one in a single episode, so we have a two-parter where the dads go through a list of behaviors that are considered examples of micro-cheating...or are they? You'll be surprised on who teams up for some of these! BUT FIRST - an imperative update on whether or not Thomas could do a pull-up!...

Sep 20, 2024

Let's face it, men can be pretty delusional about their athletic and physical abilities. But surely, none of the men on THIS podcast, right? RIGHT???

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Sep 18, 2024

The Smiths went to Disneyland and much happiness (and insanity) ensued!

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Sep 13, 2024

Eli shares a story from when he solo parented Max during Anna's very real-sounding-named fiddle festival, and the dads discuss what it means to have a child that's different in some way and the things they have to keep in mind when experiencing a world not necessarily built for them.

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Sep 6, 2024

Eli witnessed an interaction in Target that raised the questions: How do you tell your kids when you can't afford something? Or, how do you tell them when you absolutely could afford something, but they really don't need it and have too much already?

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