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Let's Be Real: Mama Journeys

Aug 5, 2024

Becoming a mama in her 30s and quarantined during pregnancy was strange and difficult in so many ways. Baby number two came after the pandemic and she found out what a regular pregnancy was. She is a “famous” online personality called Law Mother with over 2 million followers!  She educates people about protecting the things that are the most important to them. She had to get her husband onboard as he waffled on the idea but eventually they made it happen. With her first baby, she struggled with postpartum and wasn’t prepared for that. She also was a new business owner with her first baby as well as being the breadwinner for the whole family. She really didn’t get a postpartum break but with her second, she knew she had to do it differently. With her second baby, she took four months off and knew that was exactly what she needed. She hired a postpartum doula to help out but then decided to split the shift with her going to bed at 7pm and sleeping until 3am and then her husband would go to bed at 3am.  This really worked for them. She had a mindset coach she worked with and they helped her with the mom guilt and prioritize her time so she could break down her day and how she spent her time to help her feel more connected since she worked outside the house.Her best mama moments are the simple ones. When her kids are expressing themselves and becoming who they will be. She wishes she would have known how much support she needed for the postpartum period and had it set up. Take her advice and GET IT!

You can find her at

Listen to our 2 year anniversary episode here