Aug 12, 2024
Karen owns Organize It, a professional organizing and move management company. Her goal is to get new moms getting their nurseries in order. Her passion is helping mamas be more organized and ready for baby. She has 2 grown children, a husband and has lived in Colorado for almost 50 years. Her biggest challenge as a mama was the depression she struggled with. She had a wise friend who said, “have a plan with your husband so that if you are not able to communicate what’s going on, you make it obvious to him that you need help.” The shame of asking for help needs to end and in 2024, we are at the point where you CAN say I need help. Just because you can’t see it, it doesn’t invalidate it. With her husband as her biggest supporter, her faith and her boys, she has thrived and is such a good person. Her best mama moment came when she asked her adult daughter what she thought her best mama moment was and her answer thrilled her because it made her realize that her “normal” meant she was being an amazing mama. Her worst mama moment was when her mental health wasn’t being addressed properly. Now that she is properly medicated AND diagnosed properly, she can regulate and emplores you to go get more answers because not all doctors have the correct answers. Keep asking, keep seeking and don’t give up until someone gives you the answers you deserve.