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Let's Be Real: Mama Journeys

Oct 21, 2024

Meera Ishaya is an Ishaya monk and a mom!  After becoming extremely depressed, leaving her the feeling that she didn’t want to be alive anymore, and that turned into a whole new world for her. She thinks that trying to prove that she was a good mom, the most depressed she became. Being a monk has opened up a whole new world. She has published numerous books but her first is about coming back to being who you are. Being authentically YOU is essential. Being a monk is about learning that we are all one. It takes away the mind chatter and grounds you. She came to this world after thinking, “there has to be more to life than this.”  And she found it by being an Ishaya monk. Her two kiddos have helped to keep her grounded. Aftering having her kiddos, she struggled with massive pain along with mental health issues. She had Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction which was excruciating and she was struggling to stay alive. She was on crutches and couldn’t walk but then had to get back to “normal” through excruciating pain and physical therapy including having someone dress her! She was pushed to another place where she found 100% peace.  When you open yourself up to the possibilities of what’s out there, things come to you. Her biggest supporter was her husband and when she finally found her “people” in Spain at this retreat where she felt 100% supported. Her best mama moment was when her daughter said, “I couldn’t have gotten through this without you, I love you.” It feels good when you are appreciated and supported by the people you love the most. She wishes she would have known how to mediate and to not punish. Less is more and through meditation she has let go of a lot of the stress she was experiencing. You can find her at her youtube channel and website

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