Sep 30, 2022
IF, IF you have in place programs that drive trackable results that allow you to grow properly.
Think about it. If you gave me $5 and I handed you back $20, why would you ever stop that from happening over and over and over again?
Let's discuss
And don't forget to check out to find out how you...
Sep 29, 2022
Are you mentally equiped with what it's going to take to grow? Do you understand the levers you must pull, mentally and physically? Are you prepared to do what it takes?
Let's discuss
And don't forget to check out to find out how you could get massive help marketing your restaurant and...
Sep 28, 2022
There are 3 main places you can build a database for your restaurant: In-Store, Online & through Social Media. And that order is from most important to least important, BUT they all need to happen. Let's dig into what's not happening at a client we work with and show you the impact.
Let's discuss
And don't...
Sep 27, 2022
Think about it. If you tell your kids to do something once or 100 times, it makes a difference in the task being completed. Well, your marketing is not different.
You need to build a plan that puts you in front of your customers not 5 times, not 10 times, not 100 times...THOUSANDS of times per year. Then and only...
Sep 26, 2022
Common goal but different language.
Why are you having the EXACT conversation with your new customers that you are with your BEST customers? The conversations you're having with them hrough email, text, messenger and social media should be really different. These are two completely different people, yet you have...