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Real Estate Jerky

Jan 31, 2022

Crime never takes a break, ever! Stanislaus County Sheriff Jeff Dirkse shares some serious challenges with host, Ed Parcaut, MBA, Veteran & President of Lending for Living about some devastating new stats on fentanyl deaths, human trafficking, illegal marijuana grows and what YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT in this podcast of the...

Jan 23, 2022

Great podcast/show of pertinent home loan information for so many! VA Home Loans, the best home loan in the industry, VA home loans. If you're a Veteran are you using yours? And if you're thinking of purchasing your own home, here's why you want to use your VA benefit. And host, Ed Parcaut, MBA, USN Veteran & President...

Jan 17, 2022

What's it going to take to thrive as an investor in today's market? Creativity and knowing good creative professionals in their field, like guest Matt Bryant, V.P. TICG, Inc. (The Investment Consulting Group) with some solid information about the current investment market and things like 401K Solo to help you make the...

Jan 10, 2022

Real Estate Jerky always gives you something to chew on! During this election year Jolene Daly, Republican candidate for Congress District 10, then the redrawn District 5, but immediately after this show broadcast Candidate Daly announced she would seek the California State Assembly for the newly drawn District 4. The...