Nov 21, 2022
Solala Towler, Owner of Abode of the Eternal Tao, has been studying and teaching the Taoist arts for over 30 years. His quarterly publication, The Empty Vessel, explores Daoist philosophy and practices for daily living. He is the author of 12 books including Cha Dao and Practicing the Tao Te Ching. Solala is a founding board member and past president of the National Qigong Association and teaches classes on Taoism, Qigong, tea ceremony, and the Dao De Jing on Zoom.
Do you struggle with self-discipline? What can you incorporate into your daily routine to live a well-rounded lifestyle?
Practicing the principles of Taoism has many benefits. The art form can help you become adaptable and authentic — leading to better relationships. According to Solala Towler, understanding the mind-body-spirit approach is valuable for solving problems.
In this episode of The Tao of Pizza Podcast, Mark Hiddleson interviews Solala Towler, the Owner of Abode of the Eternal Tao, about the principles of Taoism. They also discuss Solala's books, the mind-body-spirit approach to developing relationships, and the value of being authentic.