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That's Helpful with Ed Stott

Jul 11, 2024

We all know how essential a good night’s sleep can be for our health, but whilst we might be prioritising our bedtime routine, our partner’s night time habits may be the thing that’s costing us a perfect night’s sleep.

Whether they’re a champion snorer, elite level fidgeter or they just have a completely different sleep schedule to you - it doesn’t take much to affect our eight hours. So what can we do about it? How can we sleep better as a couple & is it time for a sleep divorce?

Dr Wendy Troxel, is licenced clinical psychologist specially trained in sleep medicine & a senior behavioural scientist at the RAND Corporation think tank and the author of Sharing the Covers: Every Couple’s Guide to Better Sleep.

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Sharing the Covers: Every Couple’s Guide to Better Sleep

00:00:00 Intro
00:01:11 Why this is Wendy’s area of expertise
00:02:17 What does the research say about sleeping together or separately?
00:04:30 How men & women sleep differently
00:07:45 The benefits of sharing a bed
00:10:35 How we’ve slept throughout history
00:12:53 How important sleep is to our relationship
00:14:30 When to re-evaluate sleeping in the same bed
00:18:30 How to start experimenting with sleep as a couple
00:23:40 The stigma against night owls
00:27:28 Why we should see sleep as a social behaviour
00:31:51 Sleep as a public health issue
00:32:48 How to manage pets & kids in the bed
00:38:00 The one thing to take away
00:39:39 Sleep & morality