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That's Helpful with Ed Stott

Oct 26, 2023

So often our focus is on HOW we make money, but not necessarily how we manage it.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably whacked it all in a bank account & hoped for the best.

BUT there are some simple things we can all do, starting today that will make a huge difference to how you approach your finances & whether or not you’re making them work for YOU.

Today, we’re going to work through a few of those simple things with Ben Nash, he’s a Money Coach, the Author of Get Unstuck & Founder of Pivot Wealth.

***Please note, this podcast is not financial advice - everyone's circumstances are different so make sure you consider whether the advice is appropriate to you & seek professional advice where appropriate!***

Connect with That's Helpful & Ed Stott on Instagram.
Find Ben on Instagram & via his website.

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