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Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Jun 6, 2024

Welcome to the second episode of the 4 part special series for the Kubernetes 10 year anniversary. In this episode we spoke to two very influential people in Kubernetes’ history. Tim Hockin and Kelsey Hightower Both have been involved with the project since its inception and both had, and continue to have, impact on the project and the community.


Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:

- web:

- mail:

- twitter: @kubernetespod


Chatter of the week

KuberTenes Regional Events

Kubernetes Twitter Account

News of the week

Kubernetes introduces hydrophone

AKS Automatic

CKS Changes after Sept 12, 2024

KubeCon and CloudNativeCon CFP Closes June 9th

KubeCon Co-Located events CFP Closes June 14, 2024

Links from the interview

Google Borg

Google Omega

Let Me Contain That For You

Kubernetes Sidecars

Why Service Is the Worst API in Kubernetes

Kubernetes Maintainers Read Mean Comments

Kubernetes The Hard Way

Kelsey retirement announcement



Llama 3

Open-core model

Lets Encrypt

Google's infrastructure for everyone else

Kubernetes: Up and Running


Kubernetes Networking

Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM)