Aug 25, 2020
Taylor Dolezal is a senior Developer Advocate at Hashicorp and the Kubernetes 1.19 release lead. His desire to give talks and join the CNCF Ambassadors led him to the release team and to his new job. He talks to Adam and Craig about how a TI-83 calculator started him on the path.
Do you have something cool to share?...
Aug 18, 2020
Constance Caramanolis is the co-chair of this week’s virtual KubeCon EU, and a principal software engineer at Splunk. Her introduction to Cloud Native came as an Envoy maintainer working at Lyft; she talks to Craig and Adam about communication: techmical, programmatic, in-person and online. We also summarise all the...
Aug 11, 2020
Alex Ellis created serverless framework OpenFaaS while working a day job. It’s used by some big companies, but he’s resisted the temptation to join one. Instead, he’s offering consulting and seeking sponsorships, building a business from the ground up. He explains the pros and cons of independence to Craig...
Aug 4, 2020
Since we last spoke about Minikube 18 months ago, the project has gone 1.0, and made large performance and usability improvements. Thomas Strömberg is the manager of the Container DevEx team at Google and a maintainer of Minikube. He talks to Craig and Adam about why system administrators are the best code reviewers,...