Mar 31, 2021
We’re trying something new!
In Part 1 of a two-part conversation with Weaveworks co-founder Alexis Richardson, we have a wide ranging conversation about career choices, finance, founding and selling tech companies, and the dangers of being pigeon-holed based on the first project your company releases.
Next week...
Mar 24, 2021
Grant Miller is the co-founder and CEO of Replicated, which helps operationalize and scale the delivery of Kubernetes-based apps into the enterprise. We look at what it means to be enterprise software in a SaaS world, and we also get some 2021 predictions from guest host Liz Rice.
Do you have something cool to share?...
Mar 17, 2021
If you’d like something more tangible than a virtual cloud instance, there’s always (still!) bare metal. Tinkerbell is a project from Equinix Metal to manage bare metal servers at scale, and Gianluca Arbezzano is one of its maintainers. We talk stacks, racks and MACs.
Do you have something cool to share? Some...
Mar 10, 2021
Crossplane lets you automate creation of infrastructure using Kubernetes APIs. Daniel Mangum is a Crossplane maintainer working at its creator Upbound, a TL of Kubernetes SIG Release, and a YouTube streaming star. He chats about tech with host Craig Box, who is helped this week by returning guest Ken Massada from...
Mar 3, 2021
Kamil Potrec is a Senior Security Engineer at Snyk, working on security around Kubernetes and cloud platforms. He joins the show to discuss how to think about securing your infrastructure, the different arts (and colors) of offensive and defensive security, and what not to lose sleep over.
Do you have something cool to...