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Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Apr 27, 2022

Big week for Istio! Craig talks to Mitch Connors, Istio user experience working group lead and IstioCon program committee co-chair, about the project and the conference. Mitch talks to Craig about the news that Istio has been proposed to the CNCF.

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Apr 14, 2022

Divya Mohan is a Technical Writer with SUSE, a CNCF Ambassador, co-chair of Kubernetes SIG Docs, and a mentor to new contributors. Learn how her love of language and learning led her from production support to the core of the community.

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Apr 6, 2022

Bruno Andrade is founder and CEO of Shipa, delivering applications and policy “as code” to Kubernetes with a SaaS model. We discuss founding companies in Canada vs the USA, abstractions for deploying apps, and whether Kubernetes will really ever disappear.

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