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Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Nov 26, 2019

Vitess is a cloud native database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL. It was built for YouTube, open sourced, and has recently graduated from the CNCF. Two members of the team who wrote and ran Vitess at YouTube, Jiten Vaidya and Sugu Sougoumarane, are CEO and CTO of PlanetScale; a company they founded to...

Nov 19, 2019

Catch all the news (and there is a lot of it!) from KubeCon NA 2019 in this week’s show. We then talk to Vicki Cheung, the conference co-chair, and an Engineering Manager running Kubernetes infrastructure at Lyft.

Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:

Nov 12, 2019

Due to overwhelming submission numbers, 85% of talks proposed to KubeCon are rejected. Cloud Native Rejekts, a two-day community conference immediately before KubeCon, gives a second chance to some of those talks. Chris Kühl is CEO and co-founder of Kinvolk, a Berlin-based Linux company, who organise events including...

Nov 5, 2019

KUDO is the Kubernetes Universal Declarative Operator, a toolkit for writing operators for Kubernetes. Gerred Dillon works on KUDO at D2IQ, formerly Mesosphere, and joins Craig and Adam to discuss KUDO, how Mesos frameworks relate to Kubernetes operators, and taking care of chickens.

Do you have something cool to share?...