Jan 31, 2023
Swans Crossing will not leave us alone and that's just fine with everyone. Rob Bowen joins us and confirms that Swans Crossing did, in fact, exist and isn't just a collective fever dream we never want to wake up from.
Jan 24, 2023
As you can see by the run time, this isn't a regular episode. Yes, it's about Wonderfalls, but also other things. Namely, Joan Of Arcadia. We explain (as best we can) what's going on in the first two minues, but hey, don't hurt yourself. Take small bites.
If you're looking for a specific guest or episode, follow...
Jan 17, 2023
We say goodbye to Wonderfalls the only way we know how. With a caged bird schreeching in the background.
You think I'm kidding.
Jan 10, 2023
Hilary sits in for Derick and helps tip toe through the totem poles. Or maybe moles, but no one is convinced.
Jan 3, 2023
Tinted blue vision is a real (if rare) side effect of Viagra! And that is the least of the mysteries guest Harry Nelson solves for us in this episode.