Apr 24, 2024
Weezer and The Muppets have a lot more in common than that video they did together.
Nate Runkel from Yo! That's My Jawn is with us (briefly) to discuss the entirity of one of many single season Muppet shows: Muppets Now. Which seems like it should have an exclamation point but doesn't. In every sense.
Apr 17, 2024
No one wanted to come back and watch the finale of The Muppets Mayhem with us. That doesn't mean anything, does it? It does. It means we lose our way into Two And A Half Men, The Fast And The Furious, directing extras, Morphine (the band), Snake Eyes (the G.I. Joe) and... Ernest P. Worrell? It also means this show is...
Apr 10, 2024
The Muppets are the perfect antidote to the bummer we imposed on our guest Denzel Belin last time he was with us for My So-Called Life. Unless of course, those Muppets are too busy with their phones so the show has to be about humans and their dumb self-centered relationship concerns.
Apr 3, 2024
Silver-plated Minecraft experts Chris Hayner and Harry Nelson have returned to The Muppets Mayhem to wonder if, in fact, there will ever be any Minecraft in this episode.