Oct 29, 2024
I pledge allegiance to Kid Nation, every Wednesday night. And to the Network for which it stands, one show, unreality, indicisive, with liberty and root beer for the Upper Class.
Oct 22, 2024
Kid Nation is a failed state, but there's plenty of carcass to pick over.
Not literally though, I mean, no one knows how to cook.
Oct 15, 2024
Actual baseball! Cosmic forces! Offensive offense! Indefensible defense! And the shot seen round the world (camera shot, that is.) It's Amerca's pasttime: Swans Crossing. And it's the end of week 3. It's something else, all right.
Oct 1, 2024
Is Lookwell a one season show because it aired one time in the summer of 1991?
No. But we're talking about it anyway?
Yes. But we're also talking about talking about it so I guess that's fine?
No. But that's what Derick wants?
Yes. But why should that matter?
Anyway, by now you could have listened to it.