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Made for Impact

Oct 20, 2022

John D. Rockefeller was one of the most successful businessmen in human history. His work fueled the industrialist revolution that changed the world forever.

Cultures That Work founder Dr. Craig Overmyer is a Scaling Up-certified coach and helps leaders adopt the same habits that allowed Rockefeller to rise to the top of the business world. He takes notoriously complex topics and simplifies them.

In this episode you’ll learn what challenges executives face in scaling their teams, how to overcome conflict productively, and how to liberate yourself from the drama inside your organization.

Get in touch with Gretchen, and let her know which impactful leaders you’d like to hear from: Connect on LinkedIn

Dr. Craig Overmyer mentions Verne Harnish’s Scaling Up, his own Accelerate thru Conflict and Primal Leadership by Daniel Goldman.