Apr 13, 2020
Bryan discusses his friendship with Tyler and how there are parallels between Tyler and Bryan’s work in their respective start-ups. Learning about Tyler’s physics teacher and how this has led him to where he is now. Tyler’s interest developed over time, building his own start-up and though Tyler had the option to continue his career in a corporate setting, a safer route, he instead Tyler took a chance with Morning Brew. You can read more about this episode here: https://bwmissions.com/blog/allen-gannet-podcast Follow Bryan Wish on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/bryanwish/ Follow Bryan Wish on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bryanwish_?s=11 Follow Bryan Wish on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bryanwish_/ Join our Mission: bwmissions.com/join/ Join our Community: my.community.com/bwmissions