Oct 26, 2023
Jeff reflects on his many years as an attorney and shares the advice he would give himself as a young lawyer. As it turns out, his advice consists of universal truths: think differently; keep learning and growing; be clear, consistent, and honest in your communications; accept that people need to make their own...
Oct 19, 2023
Jeff answers another set of commonly asked questions in this last part of our series. But keep your questions coming! Along with guest interviews and deep dives into special topics, we will continue to address your questions periodically. And, of course, we’re happy to assist you in our workshops, meetings, and all of...
Oct 12, 2023
As we continue our series, Jeff discusses several misconceptions that surround elder law, asset protection, and estate planning. These questions apply to everyone, regardless of financial status. Whether he’s talking about basic wills, different types of trusts, or the significance of the red wagon, Jeff...
Oct 5, 2023
In this first part of our series that addresses some commonly asked questions, Jeff highlights the importance of proper planning for asset protection, regardless of age, and describes the expertise needed to effectively serve clients in this highly specialized area of the law. In addition to protecting your assets, it's...