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Oct 4, 2024

In this quick solo episode, I'm exploring boundaries and how to speak up and set yours. 

Q. Do you feel like you can stand up for yourself?

Q. Can you speak up to defend others?

Here are a few ways that I'm suggesting that you might check your boundaries.

  1. How does your body feel in the moment? Hot? Clenched stomach? Are you making a fist? How is your breath? Give yourself a moment to feel into it and try to get clear on what has made you feel uncomfortable?  Take a few slow breaths, let your system get regulated again. Take your time, you don't have to respond in the moment.

  2. Before you say yes to someone else are you saying no to yourself at the same time? Take the time to check in and see if this way of spending your time or energy is really aligned to your path, your goals?

  3. Communicate with clarity. Keep it brief, when you are making it clear to people. Generally use fewer words. 

  4. Get comfortable feeling uncomfortable. Growth is uncomfortable, honest self expression can be excruciating. 

  5. Be prepared for pushback. Not everyone is going to like you setting your boundaries and saying "no" and that's ok. 

“The more brightly you shine your light for other people, the more you show the way of kindly setting boundaries and clearly communicating your needs, you are demonstrating that for other people.”


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For the messy transcript click here