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Jul 27, 2022

In this episode we're digging into articulation and everybody's favorite, tongue twisters.

I might be improvising an 'articulation song' to a Dean Martin tune and I'm definitely offering a prize of a pack of Tongue Twister Cards, made by the lovely Leo Wiggins as a prize for the best tongue twister shared on social media with me tagged and #yourfreevoice!

If you're on Instagram I'm at  

@voxchops #yourfreevoice

If you're on Facebook

I'm @julianortonsvoicebox #yourfreevoice

and if you're on Twitter I'm not there very often, but I will check for you....

I'm @GreatBritishVO #yourfreevoice

Let's have those lovely tongue twisters! Extra credit if you make one up yourself!

here's the link to the FREE Vocal Warm-Up Bootcamp!

here's the link to the FREE five minute warm up video

For more links my favorite tongue twisters and a complete, but messy transcript go to: