Jun 29, 2022
In this introductory episode, I will discuss what lead me to this point in my career to choose to empower and educate other empaths and WHY I do the work I do to help sensitives and gifted people to navigate what can feel like a very harsh world.
Jun 29, 2022
Waking up from the deep sleep of our conditioning can feel like a mental breakdown. Here I share my personal story of my awakening and how I navigated it as well as a few tips to help you keep your sanity.
Jun 27, 2022
So what is energetic clearing and how does it work? This episode goes into more detail about energetic clearing, how it releases, and what it can help with when we are committed to change.
Jun 27, 2022
Along the spiritual path we can ask for signs or omens of our progress to know we are on the best path to reach our potential. When the signs come, we must be conscious of the meaning we put to them and to not be too attahed to the outcome.