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Surviving Hard Times

Oct 27, 2023

What are the advantages of homesteading and living simply? Wanda King of Deep South Homestead joins us to explain…

Deep South Homestead is an online platform started by husband and wife duo Wanda and Danny. Living on a 10-acre farm in South Mississippi, they dedicate their time and energy to teaching others the value of homesteading – and the skills needed to do it. Their videos cover gardening, canning, meat smoking, animal care, DIY projects, woodworking, and more.  

While homesteading takes significant work, the health and sustainability benefits are undeniable. Join the conversation now to learn how Wanda and Danny are teaching their audience how to live simple and satisfying lives!

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • How Deep South Homestead started and progressed.
  • The benefits of natural and healthy living. 
  • The easiest crops to grow. 
  • How fresh food can impact your health.

Want to learn more about Wanda and her work with Deep South Homestead? Click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts: