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This podcast will go where few sci-fi fans have gone before! OK, not really, but we will have fun discussing and interacting with our favorite shows and films from all over the sci-fi universe. We love Trek the most, but our fandom is much deeper and so we’ll dive into all sorts of shows and films. Join our panel of sci-fi fans as we gather from all over North America as we share our opinions and thoughts on all things sci-fi.

Our mission is to entertain and have fun. If you love sci-fi, then this is the perfect station for you to dock at.

Mar 4, 2022

Our fantastic crew dives deep into Trek in this week's episode and get deep in our discussion over the trauma that Picard experiences throughout the run of TNG on television and on the big screen. We also talk about the cost of leading affectively and what that looks like. This is, perhaps, the most personal episode yet as we share who influences us in our own lives.

If you like what you hear and enjoy this podcast, we kindly and humbly ask that you share it on your social media and help others join in the fun and fandom!

Email us your thoughts and comments - we may even mention you on a future episode:

Buy Adeena's book here:

Read her blog here:

Listen to Cris Fox's podcast here:

And here:

Listen to Brian's original music here:

Listen to Brian's other podcast "The Pursuit Friends Network Podcast" here:

And here:

All music used for this podcast was written, performed, recorded, and produced by Brian Donahue