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This podcast will go where few sci-fi fans have gone before! OK, not really, but we will have fun discussing and interacting with our favorite shows and films from all over the sci-fi universe. We love Trek the most, but our fandom is much deeper and so we’ll dive into all sorts of shows and films. Join our panel of sci-fi fans as we gather from all over North America as we share our opinions and thoughts on all things sci-fi.

Our mission is to entertain and have fun. If you love sci-fi, then this is the perfect station for you to dock at.

Feb 24, 2023

It's our one year anniversary here at The BIG Sci-Fi Podcast! We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than to invite back one of our favorite guests, Doug Drexler.  Doug is an Academy Award winner and has worked extensively on Star Trek through the years.  He's made his mark in television and film as a visual effects artist and in make-up as well.  He loves science fiction and Trek, in particular, and it shows!  We also get the opportunity to celebrate the life of his late wife, Dorothy Duder.  Doug shares some touching and fun stories about his life with this amazing woman who brought such joy and hapiness to his life and everyone she came in contact with.  This episode is dedicated to her memory.

This podcast is a proud part of the Listen Frederick Podcast Network!

Watch Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard streaming now on Paramount+!

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Read Steve's thought provoking article for!

Listen to Brian's new podcast, The Brian Donahue Podcast!

Check out Brian singing a Frank Sinatra favorite - Fly Me to The Moon!

Listen to Cris' podcast, Yelling About Star Trek!

Subscribe to Cris' YouTube channel!

Check out Adeena's website!

Buy Adeena's science fiction book series - The Robot Galaxy Series!

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