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Little Bits and Pieces

Welcome to Little Bits and Pieces, an improvised podcast about improv from three titans of bits, purveyors or improv, and general idiots: Wallares!

Hosts Matt Walker, Geoff Fella, and Christian Torres guide listeners through a slough of improv-centric topics ranging from strangest on stage moments, to what exactly is the game of the scene?

Come for the bits but who knows, maybe you'll learn something despite the hosts!

Jul 28, 2022

Wallares discusses bringing in outside forces into your scenes like politics (ugh), primary, secondary, and tertiary characters, and all the insanity that is our lives off the stage

Jul 21, 2022

Wallares goes over the enigma that is game of the scene. The definitions, how they learned about it (or didn't in Geoff's case), and how they approach it in scenes.

Jul 14, 2022

Wallares discuss slumps in their improv career and how they overcame them via learning opportunities, powering through, and how they are never far away

Jul 8, 2022

Wallares discusses some of the strangest moments they've had doing improv on stage; weird backyard art shows, strange initiations, and improv at a Temple during a fasting holiday