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Little Bits and Pieces

Welcome to Little Bits and Pieces, an improvised podcast about improv from three titans of bits, purveyors or improv, and general idiots: Wallares!

Hosts Matt Walker, Geoff Fella, and Christian Torres guide listeners through a slough of improv-centric topics ranging from strangest on stage moments, to what exactly is the game of the scene?

Come for the bits but who knows, maybe you'll learn something despite the hosts!

May 18, 2023

Christian regales the group with his ISS travels, Geoff's intervention didn't take, and Matt ponders the omnipotent and all powerful improv.

Wallares admittedly stay off topic, but you'll be surprised to hear that Christian has not yet eaten since last episode. Let's hope we record these back to back, otherwise that would be a week of no food. Stay healthy, Cowboys.