Feb 1, 2024
Erin Adams of Smell Art joins to talk about her work creating memorable experiences with the disappearing medium of scent, the challenges of working digitally with aroma and the social aspects of smell.
There are lots of ways to support the show. Visit:...
Jan 17, 2024
In this second of a special two-parter on the work of Yosh Han, a scent artist known for her elaborate moving image landscapes and public sculptures, we talk about the matter of olfactory energetics. Yosh has a unique vantage on the global landscape of the fragrance industry, and her ongoing work to decolonise the...
Nov 11, 2023
Tauras Stalnionis talks about his work exploring the choreographies of food through design research. He approaches the medium and topic of hand-held street food as a multidisciplinary practice framed by design, performing arts and food. Using the techniques and strategies of street vendors, Tauras takes food out...
Oct 25, 2023
Laila Snevele—a Sensory Food Designer—talks about her work exploring the perception of food through multisensorial research. She designs recipes for the brain. At the intersection of scientific knowledge and creative application, Laila leads the future of food design with insatiable curiosity to deliver novel food...
Oct 12, 2023
In this episode, I listen to Prof. Angie Abdilla of Old Ways, New and the Australian National University’s School of Cybernetics talk about Country Centred Design, a methodology with country in mind, in and through a strategic process for relational connections.
Dreaming up the future state of A.I. Angie talks...