InSession Film Podcast

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, good friend of the show Jonathan Berry joins us as we review the new (and amazing) Marvel film, Guardians of the Galaxy, starring Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, and Zoe Saldana among many others. This week we also have a fun Spoiler section of Guardians as well after our main review. Going off of that, since Guardians of the Galaxy features one of the funnest teams we've ever seen on film, we decided to discuss our Top 3 Movie Teams, which was challenging but a lot of fun. And per usual, we also discuss Movies We've Seen This Week, in which JD tries to defend the Planes franchise. 

Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe and leave us a review! Thanks!

Direct download: Episode_76.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 6:14pm EST