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Real Recovery

Dec 31, 2018

In our darkest hour, God can hear us and help us. Jamie shares his struggle with addiction and the night he cried out to God to save his life.

Dec 30, 2018

Joe was a normal, successful guy on the outside, but in private, his alcohol addiction was ruining his life. Hear how Jesus changed Joe's story into a new kind of normal.

Dec 16, 2018

Bill and George bring on Jedd to share the story of how a simple ADHD prescription put him on the road to hard drugs and jail time, and what finally turned him around.

Dec 2, 2018

Brian shares about recovery from addiction to alcohol and drugs and his new life as a pastor. Brian's story shows how God never leaves us and instead gives us the way to an abundant life in Christ.

Nov 18, 2018

Bill and George present a special Real Recovery for a live audience at Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge. Three special guests shared their stories of recovery through the work and ministry of MNTC.