Apr 25, 2021
*This show originally aired on March 22, 2020 Bill and George discuss how to stay connected to a recovery group amid the coronavirus outbreak. Then, Terry shares his story of how Jesus rescued him from a life of addiction and hopelessness.
Apr 18, 2021
Even though Jim grew up as the son of a Pastor, he still struggled with his search for identity and sense of belonging. There's no substitute for strong relationships with fellow believers and having people in your corner that will never give up on you (Proverbs 18:24). Click here to learn more about...
Apr 11, 2021
*This show originally aired on March 8, 2020 Bill and George explore what it means to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God. Then, Charles shares his story of growing up in an unstable environment, spiraling into addiction and then eventually finding redemption and hope in...
Apr 4, 2021
*This show originally aired on March 1, 2020 Where can we turn when we hit rock-bottom? Chris S. shares his story to reveal the damage his addiction caused, what it took to change his life, and the encouraging truth that a better life is possible.