May 30, 2021
*This show originally aired on September 13, 2020 From 16 shots in 9th grade and asking for forgiveness every week at church, to proving that he wanted to be sober and have a relationship with Christ, Jake’s story is an honest story. Highlighting Christ’s redemption, grace, and mercy even when things get out of...
May 23, 2021
Once we give it a foothold, our brain can begin to control our decision making and overtake us in some instances. This was the case for Janet, as she struggled with being honest about her drinking problem. But eventually creating a plan to stick to every day made all the difference and led her in the right direction.
May 16, 2021
The search for acceptance is one that many of us struggle with and this was no different for Rolando growing up. A tough upbringing and lack of a support system led him down a winding road, but when a few people at Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge refused to give up on him everything...
May 9, 2021
Rev. Carl Johnson (Pastor at Faith City Church in St. Paul) felt a calling at a very young age to be a preacher, but it took a long time to put this plan in action. He got involved with gangs, selling drugs, found himself homeless, and in prison multiple times and despite all of that God still had a greater plan in...
May 2, 2021
*This show originally aired on August 23, 2020 Scott started drinking liquor at age nine. Then lost his dream in an accident; it just got worse. Listen to a miracle unfold as Scott radiates the impact church played in turning his life around in recovery.