Sep 26, 2021
Tim Walsh, Senior Vice President at Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge, joins Bill and George to have an in-depth conversation about recovery and some of the dangers of the over-medicalization of addiction. Tim says, “The best recovery, is the one you will do.”
Sep 19, 2021
*This program originally aired on December 6, 2020 The culture of Billy’s early career was one of partying and drug use. When he made a career change, he took the opportunity to fund his addiction. But God continued to pursue him.
Sep 13, 2021
Tim Walsh, Senior Vice President at Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge, joins Bill and George to have an in-depth conversation about recovery and some of the dangers of the over-medicalization of addiction. Tim says, "The best recovery, is the one you will do."
Sep 5, 2021
Being addicted to people can lead to many outcomes, while being accepted by violent people can place you on the wrong path. The bad decisions eventually caught up with Billy Ballenger and put him in a place where he was fitting for freedom and a chance to start over - but God would not forsake...